That company files to sell securities, says first quarter sales declined, drops again pre-market

    Posted by makshelah


    1. TheSadBantha on

      its a shelf-offering, not the same as share-offering.
      What they do is make sure that in case of a sudden rise in stock prize, then can capitalize on that by selling Common Stock without informing the SEC.

      So they reserve the right to sell X stock the coming 3 years.

      spicy times ahead.

    2. DramaCute8222 on

      They’re filing to sell 45M Shares so we’re fucked ya? How can this be a good thing?

    3. ItsFuckingScience on

      LMAO 0 upvotes apes punching air right now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    4. What makes this even funnier is that just a while ago apes were laughing at amc baggies for getting diluted. Of course this is sensible for both companies to take advantage of their inflated share price.

    5. You get a share, you get a share and you get a share! Everybody gets shares!

    6. Dying, useless business that refused to adapt or earn the good will of their customers. “But we put a bunch of funko pops on our shelves!!”

    7. WeAllPayTheta on

      The run up in OI on calls from end of April to just before the Roaring Kitty tweet was something. I expect the SEC will be doing some investigating.

    8. TitrationGod on

      While I’m not surprised because I never believed that Ryan cared about his investors, the fact he pulled an Adam Aron on today of all days is incredibly wild.

      Welp, looks like my $ROPE calls are going to print.

    9. TitrationGod on

      While I’m not surprised because I never believed that Ryan cared about his investors, the fact he pulled an Adam Aron on today of all days is incredibly wild.

      Welp, looks like my $ROPE calls are going to print.

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