Is $100 A Share Still In The Room With Us Right Now?

    Posted by Cathie_D_Wood


    1. PuzzleheadedWeb9876 on

      Give some credit to Ruggy Ryan. Terrible earnings and dilution announcement in the same day. Brutal.

    2. ghostmetalblack on

      He made me money! Your greed and religious “HODL” “TOO THE MOON” chanting is what got you fucked.

    3. You could have cashed out instead of deluding yourselves into thinking that another dying mall store is going to be worth more than …?

    4. Wait….are we saying he tweeted, then in after hours the price rises to $80 then back down premarket, then the up and down rollercoaster this week because of retail investors??? As an idiot, I think I am qualified to say this post is regarded.

    5. b3rnitalld0wn on

      And somehow, he still fucked up not doing it yesterday or the day before.

    6. SoggyInfluence2743 on

      the last sneeze 84 years back took weeks before it peaked at 483 per share. its maybe been a week. how can you be so quick to dismiss the possibility? short interest is high (64 million shares). retail is grouping together to buy and hodl. with the current bad news, we still have retail investors buying in at a “discount” and hodling. can someone provide empirical data to support the idea that we won’t see a sneeze?

      i’m simply looking to be educated on the matter, i’m not by any means trying to suggest that there will or will not be a sneeze. i did some research that may suggest its likely but i see many people on this sub dismissing the possibility, especially with the news today regarding the plan to sell more shares and the drop in earnings.

    7. SavageLife6 on

      Crazy this tweet came out the week prior to dilution.

      Something is fishy and this is coming from someone on the sidelines.

    8. If you YOLO your money on a stock because a youtuber tweeted a meme, you deserve to lose it all

    9. lostredditorlurking on

      7 signs you’re in a cult

      1. Charismatic leader.
      2. Belief outweighs facts.
      3. Language specific to the group.
      4. People who leave are segregated from the rest of the community.
      5. Questioning is punished.
      6. “Us vs. them” mentality.
      7. Isolation and love-bombing

    10. FWIW the stock pulled a 6x after this. Anyone who didn’t cap SOME gainz deserves to lose money

    11. He said nothing about GameStop he just discussing posture you guys just assumed omg short squeeze

    12. Dude literally threw a lifeboat to all regards who were stuck with this crap since the original bagholding event. If you lost money now, it is totally your fault.

    13. Correct_Director1521 on

      I’m down to run to 3000 my ball’s swing when I walk 🦍✊🏽

    14. Imagine seeing 5x the float being on loan and thinking this shit is over lol

    15. Jersey_F15C on

      Mannnnn. Hedge funds see a tweet like that as a cover to conduct massive pump and dumps. The tweet gets blamed while they swim in piles of cash giggling and tee hee’ing.

      They did the same thing during Elon’s SNL appearance

    16. Did it cross anybody’s mind that kitty’s twitter account might have been hacked ?

    17. Wisco_Willy on

      I walked away with 1.7 thanks to this guy. Can’t wait to take away more from the idiots on Wall Street.

    18. Somehow I managed to get out at $60 but all this negativity has me thinking about buying some more shares. There’s usually post-squeeze squeezes…

    19. TigerDiesel on

      Still holding my $15 acb. Why the capital raise now? Should have done that on Tuesday.

      The real question is, what is RC gonna do with all that money?

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