at what point do I retire from this? plz pump meme stocks

    Posted by edbtz696969


    1. Congrats, it takes a special kind of skill to actually not make money in this raging bull market

    2. xSmeckleDorfedx on

      Did you buy options?
      0DTE, weekly, short, or long?
      How long do you hold before you sell?
      You see xx% or xxx% gain before selling?

    3. NigerianPrinceClub on


    4. double down w/ that remaining free $76k on whatever tf you have been burning it on already or throw it all into SPY 0DTEs next week. you got this, bud.

    5. TechnicalTrifle796 on

      If you guys ever see me post shit like this know that I’m already on a bridge and it’s way too late to save me

    6. You’re only one yolo away from being rich ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    7. Plus_Seesaw2023 on

      Are you looking for a solution? After losing more than you, I joined the /dividends group. The investors there are great. In less than 3 to 4 weeks, with my own research, of course, my full portfolio is up +6%.

      So yes, I’ve lost a fortune… but I may recover some of my losses…

      I’ll probably need 3 to 5 years, but I don’t care. The “easy money” made on this group is only made by 0.01% of community members.

    8. Imagine if u put that into a good ETF and then pretended it didn’t exist for a good 20-30 years… it would’ve turned to millions right?

    9. leviticus04 on

      You’re not supposed to be having fun. You’re just here for market liquidity.

    10. Ed_Trucks_Head on

      Buy options on good companies. Look for good earnings and good forward guidance. Sometimes they dip a little after a good earnings, maybe eps misses a little but guidance is good. In this market people.are always looking for deals in good companies so these dips are usually temporary.

    11. Do you want to keep gambling or do you want to invest? It’s okay either way as long as you know the reality of what you’re doing.

    12. still got 88k left no? get a bank loan to increase your leverage and yolo into NVDA calls next week, ez money

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