Boeing stockholders reelect outgoing CEO Dave Calhoun to board

    Posted by Lemonn_time


    1. Greensentry on

      Of course, he’s very experienced putting profits above human life. The only thing Boeing cares about.

    2. gnocchicotti on

      “The man with a demonstrated history of *doing what it takes* to deliver corporate profits.”

    3. throwaway_0x90 on

      For some reason this is well aligned to my opinion of Boeing and its major shareholders.

    4. Electronic_Demand513 on

      He’s not afraid to kill for investors, because he already has blood on his hands.

    5. EatBaconDaily on

      He’s slain countless whistleblowers with his bare hands, i’d vote for him too!

    6. -darknessangel- on

      What horror and stupidity! Why reelect him? I don’t get it.

      If he was capable… He wouldn’t have been caught. You need someone more skilled in covering deaths.

    7. Top_Huckleberry_8225 on

      I love you Mr Calhoun please don’t kill me.

      I knew those whistleblowers wouldn’t stop you, sir.

    8. Scared-Bad8952 on

      “Calhoun ~~has~~ had already announced that he is stepping down as boss at the end of the year.”

    9. chansigrilian on

      Retail investors never had any input into this

      It’s a club

      And you ain’t in it

    10. MarxKnewBest on

      This is a great example of how corporations of any kind should never be expected to “do good”.

      Motherfuckers are only here for profits. When you deal with their stock, keep this in mind. When you work for them, keep this in mind. You’re the idiot if you expect anything close to morality from a corporation.

      This man should’ve been unhireable, left to enjoy his multimillions but with at least some shame. No, he gets to keep making money. Filth.

    11. Biscuits4u2 on

      They want someone who will disregard everything else in the name of profit. This shit is a feature to them, not a flaw.

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