Crypto Wallets in Trouble? Will Memes Dominate the Crypto Bullrun?

    hello everyone hello how’s it going guys how is it going looks pretty good so far today but I wouldn’t looks so pretty good so far this week wouldn’t uh celebrate just yet would not celebrate just yet but it looks okay right now don’t really know how it will look um tomorrow but it looks actually pretty good right now um I do think that uh Congress like some senators are questioning some senators are actually questioning the doj on what they’re doing with crypto and it seems like more and more people in Congress are actually on crypto’s side so it’s actually I think things are actually getting better for crypto if you look at this Senators question doj for unprecedented interpretation so they’re saying the doj’s overstepped its bounds in this which they definitely could be right if you look at this so Senators question doj for unprecedented interpretation over samuro wallet because you know that was a big case and tornado cash now I don’t really know if they’re going to be able to say if tornado cash as a mixer cuz it does seem like the doj is completely going over over mixer services and like we we said before we don’t really know if they’re just going after wallets with mixers or they’re going with over after wallets as a whole very very hard to tell so Senators Ron Weeden and Cynthia Lumis have sent a letter to attorney general Merrick Garland questioning the department of J questioning the department of Justice’s unprecedented interpretation of the law in its pursuit of cryptocurrency software services so um I think like any wallet that has a mixer in it could definitely be in a lot of trouble so basically like there’s they’re saying they’re unlicensed money transmitting businesses the Senators argue that the doj’s approved approach contradicts previous guidance from the treasury Department’s Financial crimes unit so like finson and the doj might actually bought heads and there could be previous laws that were made that the doj is not abiding by the lawmakers Express concern that the doj interpretation could treat software developers as criminals from merely writing and Publishing code by used by others setting a dangerous precedent that contradicts settled law and veres First Amendment concerns so this has actually been discussed for a while I think at least just the um just the code for playing wallets is okay but definitely like you know for tornado cash and stuff I think they’re really going to try to go after that the government is most likely trying to kill like all mixers and that if you really think about it that does actually make sense because that makes hard that makes it really hard for they them to actually track you and if it makes it hard for them to track you they can’t you know like get the taxes and right and stuff and that’s what they’re really concerned about the letter specifically addresses the doj’s recent pursuit of samuro wallet which has definitely been in the news so the Senators actually wrote the doj a uh a letter um basically asking them to back off a crypto privacy business last month the Senators argued that subjecting subjecting developers to of non-custodial crypto asset S software to potential criminal liability as unregistered money transmitters goes against the well establish interpretation of Law and if that’s true the doj is going to have to back off so the doj has also argued in a court filing that finson guidance on crypto mixers did not address the idea of control a stance the Senator’s uh senator’s letter takes issue with so there’s like a big argument over this the the lawmakers maintain that the rule actually requires a service to take control of the funds to be treated as a transmitter and of course wallets don’t actually take um wallets are just basically an API interface to the blockchain they don’t actually take control of the funds so sen so like it’s basically just a midpoint and there’s no way they can actually do what the doj want them to do wants them to do I’m concerned that doj’s interpretation would treat software developers as criminals from merely ready and Publishing code used by others so like there could be laws about like you know what kind of code you can actually write the letter comes as Congress grapples with establishing comprehensive digital assets legislation I mean and this is why they really want need to get get that legislation in including money laundering protections a legislative piece called fit 21 is expected to go up for deliberation by the House of Representatives soon however such a legislative piece would only be specific to the governance of crypto markets and would not as such establish clear definitions of what constitutes illicit transactions or the facilitation of such exchanges through open software so the um so essentially like they’re arguing over like if you can write certain pieces of code or like does the doj or does the laws have have any say in like what kind of code you can actually write so of course they’re trying to do fit 21 um I’m not really I think fit 21 is going to pass both the house and the Senate uh I don’t know if it’s going to be signed in a law but we’ll actually see if they can get super majorities it’s possible but getting super majorities is like really impossible these days so like we’ll see how these laws actually come out but it looks like like there the doj is just going to completely uh crunch down on crypto mixers and if any wallets have crypto mixers written in them they’re definitely going to be targeted I don’t think any of the wallets I use actually have mixers now like cross chain bridges are not mixers so basically like the D the the doj and the US government basically want want it so like they can trct your crypto transactions from one place to the other obviously so it makes it easier to identify people now they’re not going to do it it does not looks like they’re doing kyc AML for wallets but if they if you can’t use mixers they can they can track from like on onramp to off-ramp it’s not very hard for them to actually track to see where that money actually comes from or where it’s going so they’re basically trying to outlaw mixers uh but I I know there are a couple of wallets that use mixers and those definitely might be on The Hit List oversteps their boundaries they think they own you yeah we’re not dumping to 17K anyways we’re not even we’re not going to touch the 40ks we’re back up to 63 well the the thing is like we there’s no the the problem is there’s no defined law there’s no there’s no actual defined law on crypto what can be done what can’t be done and they haven’t really written legislation to do so because the two sides don’t agree I think right now I I think right now the main issue is the K is the kyc AML stuff and also the mixers like they are not going like they are not going to let the mixers off they’re not going to let the mixers off anytime soon um I think they basically want to kill all the mixers cuz they went really really hard after tornado cash and any other mixing service that has something like tornado cash they’re probably going to want to tear down as well and that’s why like Senators like Pro crypto senators are actually questioning the doj the SEC wants to make things ambiguous Congress is starting to make laws but I mean it’s going to take a while for the laws to actually come into effect eventually in like four or five years they’re going to have laws because they like they do need laws to actually govern this and if you don’t have laws like every time you want to pursue something you’re basically going to have to find an expensive lawsuit and the agencies don’t really want to do that either it’s been hit by a number of times making it weak what’s the next stop I mean we’ve broken through it like once at 56 I actually think 56 was probably the bottom I unless the inflation numbers come in really really po on Wednesday I don’t really see it going any lower than that and it probably will hold 60 well the things like if you want to evade taxes yes you want you’re going to need mixers but if you’re like if you don’t want to do tax like money laundering and tax evasion you don’t really need mixers want laws and Regulatory they can always vary the level uh and enforce they can always change it and amend it but like there’s all there’s like the first amendment and privacy issues as well so the SE like guinsler and the SEC wants to hold off on regulations as much as on laws and regulations as long as possible because as soon as you have them like then like guinsler and the SEC will have to actually operate in welldefined in uh in well- defined like in a well- defined Manner and they don’t really want to operate in a well- defined manner right now because they want to be able to basically like Shuffle around all they want right now eventually they will actually want laws and regulations but I think the longer they I think the longer they drag it out the more favorable the crypto it’s going to be because like if if there’s like I think it’s going to be having a bigger and bigger political effect as time goes on too with all these ETFs people are going to have more investments in crypto and the more people that are invested in crypto in a serious matter not just like $100 or $200 those people don’t really care but like the more people that have crypto invested in such a manner the more people like the more support crypto will actually have well I mean get get into zal the main the the primary concern for most of the government is actually like people evading their taxes that’s why they’re so extringent on kyc AML like they don’t want people to be able to use it to like get away from taxes that are applying for are altering their filings that yes they are actually altering their filings some of them are at least there’s a big there’s actually a big lawsuit fighting with the staking stuff I think that’s part of the coinbase lawsuit with the SEC but if coinbase wins that with the SEC like I think what they’re I think what they’re doing is they’re doing the ETF filings without the staking and then afterwards like they’ll fight for the staking part because they can actually wait for the coinbase lawsuit they can they can actually vote wait for the coinbase lawsuit to actually get that because that lawsuit’s not going well for the SEC alts are taking a beating I mean people say that a lot but I don’t think Bitcoin dominance has really taken that much of a leap um it’s been yeah it’s 53.9 slightly more so it’s been oscillating in that region and as long as when Bitcoin goes back up to like the upper 60,000 or 70,000 all coins are going to leap and it is the enu coins or the mem coins that are pretty much recovering the fastest when Bitcoin leaps I definitely think meme coins are going to be pretty dominant this bull run I like they they could honestly be like in the bull run the meme coins could be like the strongest play they definitely could be the strongest play and there’s a good chance they will be uh away from overtaking chain link yeah near is going to do extremely well the AI play plus the fact that they’re expanding their ecosystem I think will actually do really really well um like like I said n’s been on my like has been on my top list near has actually been on my top list for a very very long time and it’s going to continue to be on my top list I mean like it is the it is actually the layer one that I’m looking for the most and it’s only seven bucks right now I think it can get to like 40 or 50 so there’s still a lot of room for expansion and that’s depending on how high Bitcoin goes not really sure how high it’s going to go but like if it go I do think it has a chance to go pretty high do you get into the gme ride no I don’t don’t really play those kind of I don’t really play penny stocks I mean like GMC AMC they pump gme AMC they pump and dump a lot I’m not really interested I’m not really interested in those kind of stocks like a lot of people made money from gme last time but a lot of people also lost a ton of money from gme because they bought like while it was going up and then it just shut her down like basically like that Wall Street bets like the gme AMC thing is like their favorite pump and dump project now and that’s really all that’s like for for gme like that’s basically all it is right now gme’s company is basic like gme I consider more of a dead company almost I don’t think they have any future potential as far as near goes has literally under top 50 around V market cap yeah like like but near has actually put a lot of focus in expanding its ecosystem near put a ton near is actually put a ton into expanding its ecosystem it’s the culture though it could bring risky stuff and the thing is there’s really not much that they can actually do to prevent the gme AMC stuff because it’s just basically a bunch of people on Reddit getting together buying stocks they can’t actually like they can’t do anything about individuals basically like buying and selling stocks gme and a were so heavily shorted in off exchange dark pools it was only a matter of time before the squeeze probably and I I mean I think there’s a bunch of parties manipulating the price of gme MC they see it as a cash cow and realistically there is a good chance that it is a cash cow so not really like I mean like gme AMC is more acting like the crypto Market than anything else like you can you can consider gme and AMC like the the meme coins of the stock market and there’s a lot of people interested in those when people see huge fluctuations in in stocks like that like they will be interested in those stocks because that represents a lot of Swing trading and a lot of buying opportunity and uh for the same reason I do actually think the enu coins are actually going to be dominant this bullon because people are going to see the swings in these enu coins and they’re going to want to buy these euu coins because they’re going to be attracted to large amounts of money in small amounts of time like there’s going to be there’s going to be more more interested in this stuff and they’re not going to be um they’re not going to be able to they’re really not going to be able to stop this cuz like they they can’t stop like they can’t stop like speculation on stocks like that once Wall Street bets homes in on stocks like that they get to be like that for a long time there’s going to be continuous people shorting them and there’s going to be continuous people there’s going to be continuous people shorting them and there’s going to be continuous people like pumping and dumping them like crazy yeah flaky is still there floi enu is still there still right outside the top 50 and it’s GNA come into the top 50 as soon as Bitcoin continues to go up on Exchange short interest was 20% off exchange before yeah you think uh Roar and kitty will have another play on uh other than gme Le uh leading the mainstream news outlets to put risky assets on the spotlight well I mean like I I highly doubt like big banks will actually buy gme or AMC but there’s going to be a lot of retail investors that make a lot of money and get wrecked at the same time and the thing is like gme and AMC is just kind of like a microcosm of the crypto Market because like there’s a huge part of the crypto Market that’s like that and there’s going to be a lot of money that’s available people are creating fear in their own mind that the the cycle is doing what it’s always done basically yes I think people are afraid of regulations but we had regulatory crap the last cycle as well it’s just that this time around we don’t have the stimulus checks but I think like regardless with the ETFs I think they’re going to pump it anyways and the ETFs have like an added benefit that like there’s going to be more people in crypto now indirectly and those people are going to see crypto as a political issue as well if they have significant amounts of money in Bitcoin ETFs they’re going to want Bitcoin to go up and they’re going to want a healthy crypto market so it g it comes it it actually adds a big side benefit as well in memes this weekend right now I think right now actually I think it’s a little bit dangerous to buy memes because we could go for another couple of months of sideways trading memes are you know like memes are the one category where you do kind of want to where you do kind of want to be like with the with the smaller memes you do actually want to be careful and like buy them almost right before the run with the larger memes like you can just buy them right now cuz like stuff like flaky or doge is not going to go down I I mean maybe Pepe and dog with hat right now as well but for the smaller memes they can easily go to zero before the Run comes so it’s very hard to pinpoint those I mean obviously it’s like Risk and reward right but I would be more likely to invest in smaller memes towards the end of the summer or like at least Midsummer I don’t know about right now especially the memes that are only a couple hundred thousand I probably wouldn’t buy those right now like memes that are around like 5 10 million I would take a stab at I would definitely take a stab at oh and if you if you want like a a non mem meme coin like you should just you can look at JZ me as well I still think that actually has potential for growth because like that actually does have a company backing it that does actually have a company backing it and I do believe those people are going to pump that coin so you can look at jasm me as well midc cat memers I mean it depends what you mean by like midcap it really depends on what you mean by midcap memers uh like memes right like I would say like between between like two and 10 million is that sweet spot for memes definitely like between two and 10 million I think is the sweet spot for memes cuz like right now like those have passed the first initial test but they’re still small enough to where there’s going to be like if there’s like some kind of pump like they could go up really really big also obviously you want to follow Twitter Trends if you’re going to invest in meme coins cuz those actually mean a lot like once every week or so there’s like one meme that just blows up out of nowhere going to buy black dragon on near now I’m not going to buy any black dragon I I actually don’t like the name of black dragon on near cuz like I I don’t think black dragon is catchy near is doing extremely well but I don’t I don’t think black dragon’s that catchy of a name uh shorts lost controls because SEC is being forced to reimplement the which audits all exchanges I see yeah but you know like Milton Bates the pump and dump nature of AMC and gme the SEC is not going to be able to control that it is like real realistically like AMC and gme were always like that that thing was started by a bunch of like retail investors and you can’t really do anything about that like I mean they can Implement things but people will find ways around it and they’ll always be pumping dump stocks like AMC I actually think is a legitimate company though the movie theater stuff like the the movie theater stuff gme is essentially a dead company but they’re going to continue to pump and dump it the cat system the the cat system um the cat system will help controlling it they all have to start reporting yeah uh but but AMC and gme is just a micras for crypto and you can’t really make crypto report though is I mean like crypto found like there’s nothing to report for crypto for the most part I mean TPS but no one really cares about that no I haven’t bought any Bitcoin ETF I am the kind of person that would just go ahead and buy Bitcoin directly I would not buy the Bitcoin ETF but right now like dude I get some I get some jasm me I get some near I definitely would get some near right now I think like inj is also a good one to look at consider with the conditions of the market run utility alt coins may rise but not as much as we expected yeah you know I don’t really know how much utility is going to come into play like utility altcoins can generate Partnerships and the Partnerships will create fomo but it won’t actually physically impact um like the demand for the coin I I just think I think I just think the whole utility thing is like really really overblown like I I don’t actually think util I really don’t think utility is going to play like actual utility is going to play a huge part in this bullon unless you’re talking about defi utility like Defi and ecosystem utility that’s going to have an effect but I think like Defi and ecosystem utility is going to have an effect but the other stuff I just I I just don’t really believe in at this point so no I I don’t think so how about Roth and Ira accounts um well I don’t think retirement accounts besides the ey Capital thing can actually have crypto right now but one once they are able to have crypto I I definitely think like crypto is going to take another leap like if Black Rock and Fidelity um actually started using crypto in their Roth uh in their Roth accounts and in their retirement accounts crypto could really really blow up I got me a Roth since I was 19 nice nice I mean it’s good to start putting into it early but I think like the traditional ones like Black Rock and Fidelity they’re not like you’re not allowed to put it in yet but for like I trust Capital uh you can actually you can basically Bank on crypto self-directed IRAs are a thing they are I mean but I mean most people don’t do self-directed IAS though and even like even some of self-directed even some of the self-directed IAS like especially from the traditional like they don’t really have crypto as an option like you you still you still need something uh realistically like you still need something like I trust Capital to get yourself into them I have Arc B in my wab broth I mean you can have like look you can have like crypto stocks but you can’t actually have crypto itself is the problem unless you have I trust Capital you can with it trust Capital my lady is quiet now but she I see I Mady might work I don’t know I just I just feel like you need a catchy name I mean there are things like B book of meme that like sword for some for some reason because there was like a lot of people behind it you know there’s like Pepe but Pepe was a popular meme before there’s dog with hat I don’t understand why dog with hat worked but it did awt can go really really low I mean like I would I mean like I would be buying a bag right now if I had if I had extra money at this point I would probably be buying a bag right now cuz I still believe that has a chance it’s just not doing well right now buy uh back in do you think uh ISP link is a good AI play I never heard of ISP ISO link I mean is that like what does it actually do no no well well it’s it’s liter like well I mean dog with hat is literally a dog and a hat yes hitting the metrics hard on Instagram yeah like I I don’t actually use Instagram for crypto but if you see a trend on Instagram that just beginning that coin’s probably good awt is either huge Victory or utter obliteration I think at this point I mean it is it’s a gamble that thing was always a gamble like I put some money in awt I put some money in jasmi the jasm is working out great the awt not so much like I want to buy like1 $150 more of awt but I don’t want to sell anything else to buy it at this point if I ever if I get some donations in polygon I will buy some more awt but it’s about uh scooping up the right pile I mean more or less yeah like I I think like Floy and sheba are trying to do like FY and sheba are trying to do development but I’m not really sure like how much you can actually I’m not really sure how much they can actually do but fi and Shea are both trying to do development which uh you know Meme development is always like Med like meme development is always like eh to me but I don’t know man I I don’t really I don’t really trust meme development because it’s hard to get people to take it it is really hard to get people to take it seriously for one so yeah definitely like I do but for memes I do want like after a while I do want uh memes to actually try to get development because you have to have something to sustain the coin unless you’re like Doge not many the crypto AI tokens can actually afford processing power GPU usage I mean ASI I think ASI can R anddr can the others I’m not really sure I mean GRT probably has something as well getting in and quickly trim most your position if you’re in profit I mean besides the four or five big memes you’re you’re right about that besides the four or five big memes aash I mean people have been people have been me mentioning aash a lot do you see Brad Garling do you guys see Brad Garling house he actually said that the doj’s uh the US government is going to go after uh tether but they’ve been going after tether for like literally forever um and they failed to take it out and tether’s actually cooperating with the US government now to catch suspected bad guys so I’m not really sure if they’re really after tether anymore so good evening aash network is a super super cloud spearheading a paradigm shift in cloud computing disrupting conventional cloud services and pioneering a revolution and access to essential Cloud resources leveraging the power of blockchain Technology aash Network has developed an open- Source decentralized Marketplace for cloud computing offering an unprecedented level of speed efficiency and affordability this Innovation is set to transform the way users perceive and utilize cloud services yes so um yeah I I good memes uh lose interest when you try to add utility no I I don’t think they lose interest like if you’re trying to build a def5 system and you build in air drops I think people become interested I think people do become interested so it’s like I I mean it looks like they have like pricing look this is like obvious this is more of like a GPU Farm I mean I think like stuff like this has potential because everyone’s looking for GPU computing power at this right now I mean yeah but R&R actually has more like R&R I think has more backing though aash is more of like a startup it is like it is like R anddr in a sense but I think r& drr has a lot more backing than aash does do you see the L3 meme chain Deen hasn’t uh produced blocks for every 24 hours that’s because it’s dejen bro just that’s because it is dejen bro I mean look why would you buy an L3 meme chain I still don’t understand the whole point of L3 chains I think L2 is enough they’ve been positioning it as go to host for bit tensor that could actually be something bit tensor is a lot bigger majority do think akt is better Roi wise and R&R I mean yeah if it works out sure but there’s a very good chance it doesn’t work out like you’re basically it’s a risk andreward tradeoff and I think the reward for me for r& drr is probably high enough where I can just stick with r anddr uh like Reef for already established wallet Fearless wallet so they’re targeting just the wallet companies no they’re targeting the wallets with mixers does uh does Fearless wallet have a mixer if Fearless wallet doesn’t have a mixer it might actually it’s probably okay but if your wallet has a mixer then it’s like good night man they’re not going to tolerate wallets with mixers akt has been around longer than R&R yeah but R anddr is much bigger like they were at like I think they have a they have connections with like Nvidia apple and all those others they’ve actually appeared at some of those conferences so R&R I think like overall just has a lot more backing I mean I think the gains for r& drr is still going to be pretty good though like I don’t think they’re going to be I don’t think they’re going to be terrible they might not be like uber awesome but I don’t think they’re I don’t think they’re going to be terrible in terms of gains definitely don’t think they’re going to be terrible in terms of gains what would be the impact if tether goes Belly Up not good man not good but it’s also not going to go Belly Up tether is fully backed whether people want to believe it or not tether is 100% fully backed it’s a fundamental part of your portfol r& drr yeah I mean like a is definitely more of a bet at vchain ATM worse than other coins I don’t really know what’s going on with vchain sunny Lou hasn’t really said much I mean he’s he came out a couple of weeks ago but like I said I think vchain just focusing on the wrong things the ecosystem doesn’t have liquidity like vchain the ecosystem needs liquidity I’ve been tweeting Sunny L but like he I’ve tweeted Sunny l a couple times but he’s dead set on the utility aspect of vchain which I don’t think will actually bring value to the vchain holders he needs to figure out some way to bring bring value to the vchain holders not to mention that staking rewards for akt are amazing more than 15% I mean that’s not bad but I think the staking rewards are actually more are actually more lucrative in a bare Market where when things aren’t doing anything CEO of tether called out Brad garlinghouse via Twitter yeah look look I I think that Garling house I think G part of the I mean obviously I think Garling house has other purposes obvious VI ly I definitely think Brad garlinghouse has other purposes because um gingerbread garlic house they obviously debuted their own stable coin and they they probably want them the their own stable coin to gain more prominence and they need to get rid of tether for that to happen but Garling house is also forgetting that usdc is still there and they’re definitely In Cahoots with the US government usdt is probably in cahoots with the US government as well I mean they’re literally giving the government information they’re helping the US government basically catch the so-called bad guys so both usdt and us like both usdc and usdt are basically In Cahoots with the US government so yeah I don’t I don’t think they’re going to be able to uh I think it’s going to be I think it’s going to be really hard for Brad garlinghouse to take it take them down usdt have been buying us treasuries bonds have they not yes usdt does does actually have us treasuries in their um backing so I don’t think the government wants to force usdt to sell their Us treasuries in quick succession so like I I personally don’t think like look if he’s trying to get stuff in trouble it’s not going to work how far can gme coin rally I don’t know I don’t really look at stocks all that much look gme coins they’re going for a short liquidation but gme is essentially the same as a meme coin like the company itself basically has no future like I mean it’s it’s a it’s a company where you go to trade games I like it it hasn’t really had a future for a long time it’s basically a pump and dump it’s basically a pump and dump stock at this point it’s been that way for like three or four years I was r& drr came out four months for akt I mean they might be out they might have been like they might be about the same age but I still think r& drr just has a lot more support for the project itself look I don’t know how how how far gme coin can rally I don’t really follow gme at this point it’s basically just a pump and dump thing for Wall Street bets didn’t gme stocks pump during the last they did like because of Wall Street bets like basically they got a bunch of people on Reddit to buy it at the same time look it’s it’s basically a pump and dump stock it’s not something I would invest in longterm it’s essentially just a pump and dump stock like when it starts pumping like crazy you sell and then like you just wait for it to like dump back down into Oblivion and then buy again that’s basically what you that’s basically what you do with gme because like I said the company itself doesn’t really have much of a future like no one goes to trade games like like GameStop was really popular when I was like 13 that was like almost 30 years ago they’re both going bankrupt GM yeah I I don’t know about AMC like I think people will continue like the movie theaters I think people will keep going to the movies that’ll last for a while while like I I wouldn’t buy AMC stock long term obviously but I definitely wouldn’t buy gme well gme on salana is probably just another meme coin remember like remember GameStop wanted to make like a huge nft thing and then they decided not to I think that was a bad idea I think they should have just gone ahead with a with the nft thing because that might have been the only thing like that literally might have been the only thing that could possibly save them so like I think they should have went ahead with the nft stuff because they really don’t have any other play like what exactly is like what exactly is gme going to do I guess everyone’s streaming stuff too and that’s why AMC is having hard trouble I mean like I wouldn’t buy either company but I still think AMC is better off than gme I wouldn’t buy either company though it’s been going downhill since mgate I see isn’t using a mixer the same as using and spending Fiat I don’t know look the the the US government’s been targeting mixers like tornado cash for a long time there are like serial numbers in Fiat that you can use to track um but it’s kind of hard to like it’s it’s much harder to track Fiat for instance like I like every bill I believe every bill yeah EV every bill has like a every Bill actually has a serial number every bill has a serial number on it like this one for instance like like every bill has a serial number right so like you can actually track the bills but it’s very difficult to see who it’s difficult to track who spent them which is why like when there’s a bank heist they uh they really can’t track it does World weather affect cryptocurrency probably not cuz people can trade people can trade cryptocurrency while when it’s raining or when it’s like you know Sun’s shining it’s more like World policy where they open a can of worms going after them uh you know like that’s why the Senators are pushing back because it has to do with like the first amendment that’s where money laundering comes in well I mean if you don’t do K obviously for crypto if you don’t because of the fast nature of it and the anonymous aspect of it if you don’t do kyc AML at all obviously you’re going to get a lot of money laundering and tax evasion and that’s I think that’s primarily what the governments are concerned with which wallets are in danger it’s not trust wallet I don’t think trust wallet has a mixer I mean Samurai wallet and a couple of others whichever whichever wallets have a mixer like if there’s if if your wallet has is has a mixer attached to it if your wallet like um is trying to use the mixer for anonomous transactions that wallet’s going to be targeted mxc is going all yeah Max C has to go all kyc like it because non kyc exchanges are not only being kicked out of the United States non kyc exchanges are being kicked out of every single jurisdiction there is so if you want to actually operate as a wallet you will have to do kyc AML the trans yeah but if you mix them you can’t tell them where they’re you can’t tell where they’re going from plus like I said like if you really want to track Fiat there’s a way because all like every build does have serial numbers but it’s very very difficult to if you’re going to launder your money make sure you use a US p think they need their cut is kicking out all exchanges eventually they’re not going to kick out all exchanges like coinbase will always be there I I think the the the exchanges that are based in the US they’ll actually allow they basically want to kick out all the exchanges that aren’t based in the US uh SEC going to screw them no the SEC like the doj’s tried to go after them before the SEC doesn’t really have an argument when it comes to usdt and there’s a lot of PE there’s a lot of congressmen and Senators that are actually protecting the crypto industry now so I don’t actually think like and plus the government’s tried to shut down usdt a couple times they’ve just not been successful there have been audits of usdt and they are fully backed so like I I do think like I do think like Brad garlinghouse part of his intention is to part of his intention is just to throw shade at usdt part of his intention is to throw shade at usdt cuz he wants like that xrp stable coin to like row and he sees usdt as competition but usdt is basically already won against like the other stable coins like usdt and usdc are all are already super dominant so like it’s hard for other stable coins to compete with those two I think garlinghouse knows that he knows that xrp itself isn’t going to work for crossb transfers or whatever or like a lot of industrial use so he’s trying to like he they debuted a stable coin and now they’re trying to use that stable coin to take over but the problem is you already have two giants in the field that take up like 100% of the market so the other stable coins are going to be really really hard it’s going to be really tough for the other stable coins to get any kind of market share and the thing is like but but like the thing is that’s like that’s like a local chain trying to FUD Walmart it’s not going to work because people are still going to go to Walmart for their extremely low prices and like usdt isn’t only on ethereum it’s actually on a lot of other chains as well so you can transfer it really fast desperate he knows that xrp Army are ready with pitchforks the xrp Army can’t do anything to him though and plus like in Milton Bates it doesn’t really matter because like the xrp stable coin does nothing for xrp so even if the stable coin successful it means nothing for xrp so like I mean I think look not Bates he knows that the he knows the xrp cash cow is going to end sooner or later like he and he needs another he needs another source of income for ripple so he wants to make he wants to make another he wants to make like another business routee for ripple and he sees that business route uh he he definitely sees business route uh that business route as usdt I mean as stable coins because stable coins are becoming a big market and he actually has to attack the two major players in the market for him to actually get market share it’s all the false promises know is the over promis it’s not look both usdt and usdc dude stop with your crappy little conspiracies zero cool like you both usdt and usdc are pretty well established usdc is actually backed by Golden Sachs and like Circle so it’s not going anywhere 90% of all cryptos owned by those under 50 that’s not surprising and the thing is like the xrp stable coin basically has like nowhere to go at this point because usdc usdt already dominate the market their odl like xrp’s odl plans are simply just not working at all USD isn’t is that another stable coin like USD based stable coin I think like the other USD based stable coins will have Niche uses in their own ecosystem but I don’t know if they’re really going to expand because of usdt or usdc usdc is like I think usdc is basically government backed I mean it’s not government backed like it’s not like backed by the government par say but like it’s basically supported by the government it it’s like I mean Goldman Sachs is behind it as well Ando based stable coin that you can stake I believe wait how do you stake you I mean like you have to actually have a if it’s an algorithmic based stable coin then I have I have issues with it dude they can reverse transactions on any Fiat based stable coin cuz all Fiat based stable coins are centralized that’s also that’s also feature that’s absolutely necessary if you want it if you want to get it accepted by traditional Finance if they want to uh if you want to get it accepted by traditional Financial Industries reversing transactions reversing transactions is a good thing a lot of the time because if you make a mistake in typing your address you want to you want to be able to reverse it the the ASI super merger and also like you know if you get if you get fished or you like basically if someone try if someone successfully scams you you can also reverse it like I’m actually glad that my bank accounts are my bank transfers are reversible Ripple won’t just use usdc yes but the thing is if Ripple uses usdc then what’s the use of xrp what’s the use of anything that Ripple does like they want their like they want their own created stuff to go through the Ledger yeah but look look zero cool like there there’s going to be a lot there’s a lot going to be a lot of mistakes people make with like crypto and they they’re going to want reversible transactions because the warrant thing happens a lot less often than people just m typing an address or like someone getting scammed and sending like money to an address they don’t want to send they want to be able to reverse those kind of transactions like there would be there would be huge there would be huge issues if like credit cards couldn’t reverse transactions yeah you don’t have to use usdt and usdc you don’t you don’t have to use usdt or usdc if you don’t want to but the rest of us who don’t actually mind that will use it because it’s a lot safer I think I all coins of this obviously I wouldn’t right now I probably wouldn’t buy either one right now ada8 or xrp if you’re going to be a I mean if you want to be a crypto purist fine but I don’t mind reversible I actually don’t mind reversible transactions especially for stable coins like I wouldn’t actually I I would be much more I would actually be much more likely to use a stable coin with reversible transactions no I don’t need a decentralized stable coin we’ve seen what happens to decentralized stable coins before it doesn’t work like we’ve seen what’s we’ve seen what ha we’ve seen what happens with decentralized or algorithmic back stable coins it doesn’t work it always implodes and it scans a lot of people out of money that’s not that’s not the price of Freedom those are just scams was reading about how VCS are scamming projects now staking their preest allocations that’s not surprising I mean look crypto is a fairly unregulated Market those things are going to happen yeah no one’s going to use your decentralized stable coin because they realize like most of those things end up being scams can they just reverse just one trans are they reversing the whole chain I I think there’s probably like a time period where they can reverse transactions like Visa is not going to reverse your transaction from like 3 years ago but if you just had a transaction today or yesterday they can reverse it there’s probably like a time limit crypto inheritance there like that’s what inh herity does but like there needs to be there needs to be laws there needs to be laws passed on that or there’s going to be a lot of but technically if you give someone your private key I guess it could be inheritance yeah big e32 I don’t think any decent calized stable coins ever going to be that big people are too weary of those things and how do you know it’s just not going to go capoot if it’s not backed by something like USD if it’s not backed by actual reserves of like dollars or whatever like treasuries like how do you know it’s not just going to go kapo I mean there have been very there’s been many bad examples of algorithmic stable coins there needs to be uh industry standardization if we’ll get there but like not dates I think crypto built in a way where it won’t ever really be as standardized as the traditional Market it’s like crypto’s just built like crypto’s like built in a way where it won’t comply completely with like either regulations or the regulations will be just a lot less like restrictive I mean you could try to memorize your seed phrase why can’t be backed by the dollar because the dollar is controlled by the government that’s why I mean if they got desperate they could like they could just invalidate your money because your reserve has to be held somewhere your your reserve actually has to be held somewhere and and the and USD is controlled by the government like unless you’re actually backing with like decent I assets it’s not really a thing and the thing is like you it’s really hard to build a huge reserve of USD also like I said I’m much I’m much more likely to use a stable coin that can reverse transactions because errors like errors and scams happen way more often than government coming after my coins been waiting for xrp to die for goods in be it’s stayed on top 10 all this time I mean I I think it’s been I think X xrp’s been getting to be a worse and worse investment as time goes on like the potential like xrp’s potential has been decreasing as time goes on like because the hype has basically calmed down and died down at this point for xrp there’s like there’s no more hype for it anymore people don’t really believe any of that stuff is a retiring Shield as for yeah cuz like the the the high for xrp was back in 2017 2018 and then it’s slowly died down since then we all speak with numbers only in the future H Maybe I mean it’s only the wallets with mixers attached I mean they they obviously use like Samurai wallet as an example but it’s really the M like if your wallet’s like uh affiliate with like tornado cash or any other mixer it’s definitely in trouble and so I would not use I wouldn’t use any wallet that actually has a mixer attached to it I think like I think like Phantom uh metamask I think those are okay dude give Ada like one full cycle look xrp’s already had its cycle but like give Ada one full cycle I do I I do think Charles isn’t doing the best for Ada right now though yeah I mean like like one full cycle since it’s last a alltime High you do realize 88 did reach an alltime high last time right it’s not like xrp that didn’t reach its alltime high Ada already reached its all-time high it like tripled its all-time high I don’t really know how exus can even do kyc I don’t think they should actually make wallets do kyc and I don’t think that rule is going to pass because there’s a lot of people blocking that [Music] rule I mean I would buy a hundred bucks of it of awt right now just to see what happens I think it’s cheap enough to take a gamble it’s not done well though did a lot of people claimed that ADA was dead last a lot of people claim that ada8 was dead last cycle when it was like when it was stuck at 4 cents for like ever St I would still go with STX I personally think like I said I personally think all those Bitcoin development coins are garbage but people like bit people really really want Bitcoin development for whatever reason I mean salana is like salana is doing better than cardano salana is definitely doing better than cardano right now but I mean like the the thing that salana is the thing that salana is like the way that salana is operating is just better for like the the holders of salana when ada8 was New and impressive versus ethereum salana like came up in the last B uh in the last bll run yes also like what they’re doing with the air drops and everything it’s just going to generate a lot more interest leaders versus bleeders when the bullon hits people will be fing anything and everything I mean there’s definitely going to be coins that do better than others I actually think look I actually think meme I really do actually think meme coins will actually do better than like most everything else definitely think meme coins will do better than most everything else and it’s they’re also going to go up faster than more than everything else you just got to sell the meme coins before they reach the top it’s unfortunate look it’s it’s unfortunate that Charles like can’t get over his own ego it’s really like it’s really unfortunate that Charles can’t get over his own ego um because like there’s very like because like he obviously has some beef with like Circle I I don’t really know what the personal beef is but he obviously has some beef with circle I would still go with flaky over Pepe and the evm stuff I guess he just really doesn’t like ethereum but I could really care less if you like ethereum or not you still need the evm salana cin yeah no but the the salana casino stuff is going to help salana come up and also salana has a bunch of D5 protocols as well like salana has all the projects that cardano has but it has all the extra stuff as well and we need the extra stuff I actually think like if we got another leader for cardano outside of Charles it might actually do better name one allcoin that has hit out from previous bull run right now B&B’s probably come the closest Bitcoin is the only one that’s actually reached it right now but B&B’s probably come the closest it’s gotten to like 90% of its Bull Run height inj I don’t know if inj was around the last B run but inj has actually uh reached its all-time high oh actually no it hasn’t um let me there’s been one or two that’s actually there’s been like I think there’s been one or two that has but B the big one the the big one is like BNB it’s actually come by far the closest well [ __ ] coins that’s actually not true like in the last cycle many many of them hit like uh hit their previous all-time highs guys please hit the likes subscribe drop a donation all that good stuffff but please like And subscribe or all I mean they could all be rug poles but there are going to be a couple of meme coins that maintain like like you know like Doge Lexy but there’s probably going to be one or two salana ones that maintain as well the thing is like look Charles is doing things completely wrong and sana’s UI is like salana like Phantom wallet is like way better than Eternal wallet in terms of UI I don’t really know what you’re talking about there Phantom is so much easier to use turbo is the Doge of salana but salana has a lot of meme coins already there is a lot of dilution on certain coins but the overall crypto market cap is going to be a lot higher thanks man thanks for the thanks for joining thanks for joining memes are risky [Music] like if you actually if you actually catch the ball run though memes can like memes can um make you like way more money than anything else I’m I have a lot of the bigger memes so I’m not really like that worried about stuff every Bo like 2017 2021 both had way over 50 20 like 2013 doesn’t count which uh which crypto wallet is in trouble I don’t know the exact ones but any crypto wallet that has like a mixer attached to it like Samurai wallet is the one that they always bring up an example of but any any crypto wallet that has a mixer attached to it is going to be in trouble eventually I think the US government’s just going to kill all the mixers or like not just the US government governments together thanks man thanks for the [Music] donation what happens when uh salana sucks too when using Phantom wallet doing trades on Mobile sucks I I mean like I’m just using them on desktop like the Phantom is way better than Eternal like Eternal yoy like they just don’t work as well as Phantom does on a desktop anyways I haven’t I don’t really trade on mobile at all um how would they even achieve what not really sure what you mean achieve what Vesper wallet on cardano is so much better yeah but look you need liquidity you you definitely need liquidity on your chain like salana has it cardano doesn’t and salana also has the evm I mean look Allan B you can try to you can try to defend cardano all you want but Charles is bogging it down like Charles and his ego is bogging it down at this point like because we should have had all that stuff already we we should have had all that stuff already for crypto like we should have already had all that stuff for cardano but we haven’t because of him basically he has his own priorities he wants this partnership with bch and no one cares about a partnership with bch because that won’t do anything uh it’s actually raining today so I probably won’t go uh fishing after the stream wish I could though we are all bleeding but like if you look at salana and BNB they’re do they’re still doing extremely well comparatively like they got the liquidity like they got the liquidity they like salana has the evm they have the meme coins you know they they have the air drops like salana is actually promoting in the right way like getting set up for the bullon that’s what that’s what’s happening right now I don’t know if I would go all in on flaky but like if you’re gonna if you’re going to buy if you’re going to sell cardano I would buy like near I might buy some BNB and then buy some flaky as well I think you need a couple of big coins you I I do think you need a couple of big coins to stabilize your wallet and if you don’t have faith in cardano I would go with something else to the community and uh instead of listening to the community and getting native usdt or usdc goes to try to partner yeah bch is dead man there’s no point in partnering with bch $1,000 in five memes or in one meme definitely $1,000 in five memes right now I I feel like I mean if you want to invest $5,000 in Doge I think you’re okay but like for smaller memes I would definitely like spread my money out will ton coin reach $10 for the bull run I don’t even know why ton coin’s worth so much right now I mean it might it definitely might I have no idea why ton coin’s worth so much like there’s so much pumping going on with ton no liquidity a lot a lot of liquidity just means there has to be people trading it there’s way more people trading salana than cardano or like the other coins right now search ton coin you’re missing out I mean they’re they’re getting features on telegram that require ton but I don’t think it should be worth so much yes I think like Arrow base is worth I I really like Arrow despite the fact that there’s going to be like a supply dilution I actually really like aerod Drome right now that caspo will be listed on binance or coinbase I mean binance yes coinbase is harder to say coinbase likes ERC like coinbase likes erc20 and like SPL 20 like if you get enough traffic flow if your coin gets popular enough it will be listed on coinbase but Casa hasn’t reached those uh thresholds yet I don’t really know why there’s so much fought on Arrow probably because like you know Bas is kind of taking over and they don’t like it and some people don’t like it a big VC that invested the most they have had in crypto project on T that’s why it’s going up in ranking that definitely could be true I mean Ton’s pretty easily manipulable that that I will say how about ADA for jasmi I mean jasm is like G to be a pump and dump coin I wouldn’t put everything in on jasm I don’t really see where the value on ton comes from though I mean telegram is pretty big but I mean what are what are people going to use ton for Brett Brit there’s a couple of other I haven’t really been following the ER the the base memes but I think they’re going to I I do think they’re going to do well coinbase likes here because they hope to high transaction fees well I mean coinbase doesn’t actually get the transaction fees look coinbase likes ethereum because they have a bunch of ethereum and they’re invested in it uh they also like like salana now because they integrated SPL it obviously takes time for them to integrate different chains well no cuz T like there’s a lot of people that actually there’s a lot of retail people that use telegram so there should be some use for ton coin I just don’t really know how much advertising gaming and revenue sharing for t holders okay wouldn’t that make it I mean I guess Ton’s already a security so it doesn’t really matter I the thing is I don’t think T will actually be available on us exchanges because it is act like the SEC basically drove T out years ago but on the international market seems to be doing really well ton is helping telegram becoming the new WeChat is the main reason I think like ton is I think like telegram is going to become the new WeChat for crypto I think that’s that’s basically what’s going to happen cuz like pretty much like every cryp like everyone that wants to me to sponsor them wants like wants me to like talk to them via telegram I don’t actually use telegram I think telegram is a pretty big cess pool so I don’t really use telegram just like you just contact me on Twitter or whatever or email me or something so the the the do J is really is really pushing against crypto wallets that have like a mixer attached to them so if your crypto wallet doesn’t have a mixer it might act it it probably is okay and the Senate uh and a couple of senators actually wrote to the doj like having concern that like their stance is actually violating the First Amendment so there’s going to be a big fight yeah but there are people that actually use telegram for like legitimate purposes I don’t really I don’t really use Telegraph myself like I’ve used it a couple times before I don’t like it so I don’t really use Telegraph myself but it’s kind of like the C it’s like a it’s like the center it’s like the center Central crypto Hub I do think as we get later in the summer the market will definitely change how many cryp cryptos in the perfect portfolio I mean I would say like seven is a pretty good number there like if you can actually keep track of more than seven and like do the research and stuff I would you can do more than seven but like I think Seven’s like a healthy number where you’re Diversified enough have 900 million monthly users on Telegram isn’t WhatsApp like Korea’s thing I I know wechat’s like China’s thing and then telegram’s like Russia’s thing but telegram like Discord like telegram is like scammer Central though unfortunately I just don’t I have no interest in using it it Consolidated from 10 to 7 this past week so yeah I mean 10’s fine as well there’s nothing wrong with owning more it’s just a hassle to keep up with everything WhatsApp was bought out by meta I see I see kakow talk is koreas okay okay I’m not I’m not too familiar with these like uh I’m not really too familiar with like chat programs definitely not that familiar with chat programs I mean like I just use WeChat to talk to my family um and some friends that are still in China but like I don’t really use like any of the others a lot of people are hitting me up on like Instagram DMS thoughts on Alchemy pay AC Alchemy pay has actually been expanding so I actually am pretty bullish on them signals better than WhatsApp like I basically just use all these like I honestly use like I basically use like Facebook Messenger more than any of these but because most my friends are in the US I basically see all these applications as basically just chat Pro as basically just chat programs I can’t believe George has an only fans like what the hell do you do with an only fans for crypto exactly like what’s the point I would be surp I don’t think only fans accepts crypto I’m not sure though I I’m surprised they have like if they don’t I’m surprised they haven’t gotten into it yet cuz I would expect that kind of industry to be like really compatible uh I would expect that kind of industry to be very compatible with crypto so I’m surprised they haven’t gotten into it yet got gummy air drop from Crypt banter not performing well at all bro YouTuber YouTuber coins man garbage YouTuber coins are all garbage don’t don’t go for YouTuber coins they’re all garbage I think like George is the only crypto I think George is only the the only Crypt tuber that I know of that actually has an only fans yeah I’m not doing only fans I already have patreon like if you want to donate to me just use patreon or actually if you want to donate to me just hit the dollar button I do have a subscription I do have a subscription option here you know I definitely have a subscription option here George he no I oh he I thought he did I don’t know I don’t really follow George I really don’t follow George I don’t know but I thought I mean he might have been just only kidding but he I thought he’ said he had an only fans which is weird I mean does anyone use only fans does are there any creators on only fans that aren’t like adult are there any only fans creators that aren’t adult I don’t know crypto India would go crazy I don’t really I actually don’t know how many the other I don’t know how the other big crypto influencers actually promote their Channel though is the thing cuz like the big ones seem to have like more ways to promote PID crypto discords are basically o I see I don’t I don’t really I’m not a huge fan of like Discord or telegram any chances uh already and FTM return to better prices um ory I definitely think we return to better prices once the market turns back up I I I do think there’s a lot of people that are like there’s a lot of people that are obsessed or love like Bitcoin ordinals cuz like like they’re the same people that want to build on bitcoin desperately because they want Bitcoin to do something else besides be a store of value yeah I mean Ruben Fernandez a lot of those but from what I see like there’s quite a few of those low uh like there’s quite a few of them that make a lot of money though he doesn’t it’s a running joke he doesn’t have an off account I see I mean all of us have patreon to some extent all of us actually have patreon to some extent I mean I don’t really do much to my patreon could an only bagle crypto website I see you don’t care now they’re making millions off that low well I mean those women are also making a lot of money two Lambo she brings the car shows one here has two Lambo she brings the car shows I see why would you want two Lambos I don’t understand that isn’t one like enough are you going to drive two cars at the same time uh I mean like a lot you know the sad thing a leonise like some people do make like 12250 but there are also people that make like millions of dollars is the government uh pumping GameStop again the government’s not pumping GameStop I like like the GameStop’s obviously like uh the like being hit by like SEC audits or whatever or like mandatory audits in a while or whatever one Lambo for each house I see I mean like look it influencers influencer are like this there’s a lot that there’s a couple that make like a lot of money a lot that don’t make any money and like a couple stuck in between like myself that don’t make a lot but like don’t make like nothing either it’s up 3x yeah that’s not surprising it’s basically those guys it probably could just be those guys from Wall Street bets again it definitely could just be those guys from WSB again because we’ve seen how much they can pump it for especially with like shorts and Longs and stuff like that I’m telling you like with the secondary Market is built to for like the secondary Market is literally built for these pump and dumps like legit just bill for all these pump and dumps I’m actually going to check up that that usdt hits back at Brad Garling house gingerbread garlic house gingerbread garlic house there we go tether CEO riled up that suggestion that usdt is tar targeted for Destruction he doesn’t like that tether CEO poo arano took to X to defend against the idea that his company and the usdt stable coin are not secure so aro’s comments came a few days after Brad gingerbread garlic house said the US government is targeting tether tether um CEO poo arano posted a linky di tribe on X on Monday in an apparent effort to rail against Notions that his company stable coin is insecure in any way an uninformed CEO you know what they should go into crypto combat and engage in Mortal Combat Jo you know what I’m going to tweet that to cryptos R Us karate combat between these guys that would be that would be interesting that would be interesting Mortal Combat need to tweet at this guy he’s fighting usct right after the launch of us no not not usdm this is this is not Charles this is not Charles this is Brad garlinghouse but yes Brad garlinghouse did actually just launch a r xrp crypto that’s that’s true we must have Mortal Combat because that is the only manly way that is the only manly way to solve problems in Mortal Combat not all USD mxrp stable coin yes would would you guys not love to see Mortal Combat I would love to see Mortal Kombat between crypto CEOs this karate combat not enough combat Mortal Combat is the only way celebrity deathmatch yes oh I remember the whole clay figures thing that was that was great back in the day that was pure entertainment back in the day no one’s paying attention to garlic house probably not who’s the toughest crypto buyer could sailor beat up Garlic house or Charles I don’t know how sailor actually would Faire in the ring he looks pretty G like sailor actually looks pretty grizzled though so he might actually do pretty well in the ring I don’t know not really sure about how sailor would fair in the ring but might put on the gloves like like like okay I can’t really punch right now because like my range is very very limited but still don’t forget to take your off Mech C I mean I have mine in my wallet I have mine in my wallet so I don’t really mind if I if you get desperate you can just like smack him with a harmonica sailor could pass as a pirate he might be able to if he like wore an eye patch he definitely might be able to if he wore an eye patch sailor versus Richard Hart I don’t think Richard Hart’s actually that tough man he just looks like a smiley face scammer to me probably throw down if he had to most likely yeah what was a deadline for non kyc mexc withdrawals I think it was June but I’m not really sure one punch harmonica maybe maybe dude I would I would definitely go for like a WWF match though with the with like complete with tables and chairs and everything that would be really interesting between like crypto CEOs I’d definitely go for a WWF match how’s cardano looking not too great right now honestly like we still like we still need the liquidity and we still we still need projects and we still need liquidity and we still need an evm haven’t heard uh I mean they’re still there pulse chain hasn’t like pulse chain hasn’t done much I will say for sure like like Richard Hart hasn’t pumped it how about like FTX FTX in like FTX uh sponsors versus Sam bman freed like you know some of them are probably pissed off at FTX because they’re they got in trouble over over promoting FTX like FTX promoters versus SBF like Tom Brady and Steph Curry versus SBF I don’t know if any other football players I don’t know if any other football players endorse FTX that would be hilarious like imagine if like uh Aaron Donald like promoted FTX and it was like Aaron Donald versus like Sam bman freed are you excited for Chang hard Fork combinator event h i mean I hope that actually does well I I I hope that I hope the hard Fork actually does well I mean we need some excitement for Ada we we definitely need some excitement for 88 and that might be the one way to get it I I don’t know hopefully it does something cool Noah holds B steel chair cage match some of the newer QB took his salary in Bitcoin a little bit of it that that I mean like we know that like Russell Oak long actually took some salary in Bitcoin too back in the day I think we talked about the chain I think we talked about the chain hard uh chain uh hardfork it it’s a it’s to empower the cardano community with more influence which could be good which means we might actually just be able to vote to force usdt so here we go oh so Ora boros the foundational consensus protocol for cardano’s blockchain ecosystem optimizes the Project’s dedication to security sustainability and scalability let’s embark on a detail exploration of the or boro’s Journey unraveling its Origins distinctive attributes and Progressive uh iterations derived from the ancient symbol of a serpent devouring its own tail okay Ora boros represents the Perpetual renewal and cyclicality within cardano Oro boros embodies the concept of a blockchain’s enduring existence the protocol integrates Cutting Edge technology and rigorously vetted processes ensuring the resilience and longevity of blockchain blah blah blah um evolution of or boros expecting the Chang hard Fork recently cardano’s co-founder Charles Hinson has pointed out in the two major upgrades coming from the blockchain this includes Chang hardfork and oroboros Leos set for the second quarter of 24 the Chang hard Fork shall Grant Ada holders voting rights on proposals can we actually make proposals though that’s the question I want to be able to make proposals a significant step forward in cardano’s decentralizing Journey the upgrades objective is to empower cardano Community with greater influence over the governance of cardano so basically like someone needs to propose to just pay usdc all that money and get usdc nothing to do with beinging uh big pre big is working and he has made progress yeah but do kid like but dot but do kid look at it this way like if you look at ZK evm a lot of newer a lot of newer uh protocols actually have usdt already what’s taking cardano so long I mean usdc what’s taking cardano so long like much much newer prot like other much newer protocols already have it cardano doesn’t like the cardano governance is kind of weak right now it might be that IM mergo is actually working on it but he still has influence and he obviously has some kind of beef with Jeremy Aller I don’t really know what BR you pay a fee to prevent spamming the fee is returning for proposal either rejected or approved I see okay what if I propose that Charles fights bit booy would I get my feedback because that would be entertainment if we’re going to allow the public to make proposals the deposit has to be really high like a $500 to $1,000 not for cardano no one’s going to pay $1,000 for a proposal on Ada uh said money is not the issue Circle doesn’t want to play ball with us I don’t I yeah but like dokid I don’t know if I fully believe him I I believe he’s telling like one side of the story cuz he obviously has a beef with circle he needs to fight the candy man I see I don’t know if you really have to go through the George they can just meet they like they can just meet in a dark alley and Duke it out it doesn’t need to be official that I I wouldn’t doubt it CH seems to tough to work with there has been a lot of people that have said that CH is very tough to work with so I wouldn’t actually doubt that but there’s definitely some kind of like beef with him and Jeremy allot or whatever maybe he like maybe like in the beginning like Charles just like wanted to play footsie with like he just didn’t want to pay Circle and now like you know Circle just like you know Screw you we’re not doing this but I’m glad someone else is working on it right now doesn’t even make sense the business us to be used majority of other Stables I mean that’s because usdc has all the liquidity that’s literally because like usdc has like all the liquidity Casp and KRC 20 first get the smart contracts and then we’ll talk like you’re supposed to get the smart contracts you’re really supposed to get the smart contracts by next month so we’ll actually see if you get the smart contracts by NE uh next month like get the smart contracts get some projects going and then we’ll talk about Caspa without like without that it’s without that it’s actually really hard to talk about them with respect to like other projects because the other projects are way ahead right now who knows like maybe the ecos maybe the casa ecosystem will grow really big that’s always a possibility I mean krc2 is just like a protocol thing so if you have Smart contracts they can actually use those smart contracts to actually like develop coin and ethereum is going to flip the Reddit stock yeah I don’t know about that maybe maybe caspo was designed to be a currency so I wonder if going full will detract from the design like I don’t know I think that’s just a bad design for right now there’s like there’s all a lot of cryptos can be used as a currency and no one’s going to adopt a crypto as an act like there’s very few countries that will actually adopt a crypto as a full on currency June is a is a go for caspo we’ll see we’ll see I mean I mean that’s good new that that’s good news for Caspa gas sh has been cheap lately guess that shows how many are using it Rec currently I mean some of their some of their updates might have helped with that as well I don’t know if it’ll shoot from like 15 cents to like three bucks I mean you need a bull market for that just because it gets smart contract doesn’t mean there’s going to automatically be a huge ecosystem I think people are assuming a little too much I hope it does though because if it does I’m going to sell I mean I have like 2,000 of the coins so like you know getting six seven Grand I’ll take it any updates on cardano moon Min swap to I mean that might help men Swap and I hope it does get out of erc20 tokens that people couldn’t get when gas was outrageous yeah you could actually sell a lot of them right now definitely could sell a lot of them right now Sunday swap was just like a really really unfortunate thing um like men swaps worked out a lot better when I put Ando in my wallet I had to use erc20 yep yeah you’re getting to a point where just basically no one wants to use erc20 I mean I’m pretty I’m vested in the ada8 ecosystem so I mean like I hope cardano does really well I just don’t like I I just don’t really um I just don’t really know if it is and also like Eternal definitely needs a better UI because eternal’s UI is like God awful eternals UI is really God awful unfortunately hoping to this run I mean everyone’s hoping to sell all these Co all their coins this run I think like like at towards the end of this year or end of the summer ALS will start to move there is really no cbdc progress in the United States I don’t think the us is going to go cbdc there’s too much resistance against it sha yes but like vchain needs more liquidity vchain just doesn’t have any liquidity right now that’s the problem all right guys that’s going to be it for today like And subscribe hit that Bell notifications button I will be back later tonight and I will see you guys later

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    1. The reason memes are so huge this time is because Solana is cheap and fast compared to last cycles' crop on Ethereum. If Solana had been fully developed back then well….

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