Guys I’m confused what happened to the vibes

    Posted by Mr_Fumpy


    1. Ape plant banana tree for other ape. Other ape happy. You help other ape. Feel good.

    2. tall_giraffe3232 on

      Still got 6k to mess with, gotta inverse yourself man. I want to see you make it all back within 2 weeks; I believe in you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    3. chooseusermochi on

      Some of you all needed to pay more attention in school when they tried to teach you about Stranger Danger. Oh, and also taking gains.

    4. justlooking9889 on

      Well… how’d you do it? Options on memes? If that’s the case there were no vibes, just hype men playing on fools. Don’t fall for the idea there is any real comraderie here.

      My second guess is you lost it on SPY short term OOM options.

    5. Chart-trader on

      Options are awesome! Every time I see a post like this I get hard! r/Beat_the_Benchmark

    6. Astronaut-Proof on

      The image of the miner walking away after digging for hundreds of feet, just inches before striking a colossal diamond pocket comes to mind.

      It’s not addiction; it’s dedication.

    7. Straight-External401 on

      Pull the remaining and send it to me. I’ll invest and lose the rest. Then we even.

    8. frankreddit5 on

      The vibes are still here. Your liquid amount is not. Don’t worry, “it’s not a loss until you sell.”

    9. Yo if you’re this sane while losing this much, then I’m going to need to borrow a smooth $10k

    10. AmphibianHistorical6 on

      I mean keep holding it, that’s what you guys do best. Diamond hands am I right?

    11. Sevenlifenotsix on

      No way, literally everything is going up and you lost 85% of portfolio in one month, how did you do it? 💀

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