Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Tech Isn’t ‘Just Around The Corner’ And Now Owners Can Sue Over It


    Posted by Worried_Quarter469


    1. Apprehensive-Sir7063 on

      With no hybrid designs or cheap models as of yet the Tesla price will continue to decline with increasing competition in the market place.

      He really thought he’d have driverless by now and it was a reckless gamble he doesn’t deserve the 56 billion.

      I think he’s a genius should concentrate on innovation in his other companies he led Tesla down the garden path without considering any other financial avenues and it’s now leading to stagnation of the company.

    2. feddy-got-gingered on

      Now Tesla just needs to make the case: FSD always meant “Farcically Self Driving”.

    3. tinnylemur189 on

      You could always sue and you would always lose. That is still the case. You have to agree to a pop up saying you will pay attention and always be in control of your vehicle even when these systems are active.

      Saying the name isn’t literally 100% true isn’t the basis for a legal case or you’d see products like Magic Eraser™s being sued for not being powered by actual wizards.

    4. I mean duh. That’s what Elon does, lie and manipulate long enough until he surprises with something 10x better for 1/10 the costs to Tesla and him and then boom the stock moons. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. NotRegarded on

      This motherfucking stock is somehow still going to climb to 200![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

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