1. Weekends too please let’s get these fresh-faced analysts to 140 hours a week

    2. dismayhurta on

      Now you can lose everything while your wife and her boyfriend are sleeping

    3. PennyStonkingtonIII on

      Makes sense to me. The stock market opening and closing is a holdover from the past when trades were made by humans who wanted to go home at night. There’s no reason for it not to be 24/7 now.

    4. Pretty good way to tackle overpopulation. Calls on suicide rates ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    5. Fuck that. The retail trader will lose bigly against the algos. Plus, with all the insider trading shit going on you won’t stand a chance.

    6. lol.
      Y’all enjoy your little slice of hell then.
      I’m gonna be playing video games and smoking pot. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    7. SensibleTom on

      Well…. Casinos are open 24 hours and the market has become a casino so why not?

    8. Some thoughts:

      >If markets are 24/7, then it’s a frantic race absorb the info, while headline scanning algos have the speed advantage.

      >I would think that if markets trade 24/7, the large volatility spikes we see in stocks will disappear. A lot of traders thrive on imbalances that build up after the markets close or before they open. So if companies release earnings when the market is closed, what would the new rules be if they trade 24/7?

      RIP volatiliy plays

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