Boeing started supplying Used Serviceable Material (USM) for the Bell 212 model helicopter in September 2023, which is the exact model helicopter that the Iranian president (Ebrahim Raisi) was in at the time of the accident.

    The Parent Company of Bell is Textron Inc. ($TXT).


    Boeing recently began supplying parts to Bell212 helicopters, which the Iranian president was flying in.
    byu/S_NAKAM0T0 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by S_NAKAM0T0


    1. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      There are comprehensive sanctions against Iran. Boeing isn’t shipping spare parts to the ayatollah.

    2. So you think the helicopter was built after september 2023 and bought by Iran? Ok

    3. PaulMaulMenthol on

      Nothing to see here. Just another Boeing post to gain karma. Stay tuned for your 12 hour update on TSLA next


    4. HearYourTune on

      Never trust a company that sounds like a noise an aircraft makes when it drops to the ground.

    5. TheGoluOfWallStreet on

      Wait. Are you saying the Iranian president was a whistleblower and Boeing “took care” of him?

    6. So we’re trying to kill the Iranian pres now instead of whistle blowers? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    7. cantstopwontstopGME on

      So was Boeing playing the long con as part of an assassination plot against the Iranian government ?


    8. If you think this was a mechanical failure and not some sort of international espionage act, I have the deed to one very large bridge that is for sale.

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