Something’s still going on if they don’t let buy orders over 20%

    Posted by Producity


    1. gutsyfrog91 on

      Can some smooth brain explain what is overnight trading? How is it possible

    2. Junior_Donut_6435 on

      Prolly to prevent that day before it shot up, went like 50%+ overnight or something

    3. TrippyAkimbo on

      It’s always existed, you just don’t know about it. Stop with the low effort posts and go to cult sub, or you’ll do us all the favor of having this ticker banned again.

    4. GuiltyMachine1047 on

      From article

      “The sharp correction continued after the company put the surge to good use when it announced – along with preliminary Q1 results – that it had issued an open market sale agreement, authorizing the sale of 45 million shares.

      Even the most based redditor will consider the attendant share dilution from such an act as a reason to un-diamond their hands. However, Wedbush’s Michael Pachter considers it a good move.”

      Source —-

    5. GeneralProof8620 on

      That’s strange. MMV is up 116% and it doesn’t have this restriction.

    6. My guess is it’s Ken Griffin trying to fuck you guys. It’s definitely not you trying to invest your children’s college fund into a failing used game/funko store ran by a CEO that has had one profitable quarter in several years.

    7. Robinhood is crooked. It’s been known for a while. Use a different more credible application.

    8. This stock is like LeBron I’m tired of looking at it. They’re both washed up and ready for the glue factory

    9. price action is unusual, but that volume is fucking insane for a Sunday night… on no news.

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