Nvidia earnings come out post market on Wednesday. They beat their past 4 earnings and past performance always predicts future results. Easy 35% gain for sure. The calls are NOT priced in. My schwab account aka my life savings is almost fully maxed out on margin leverage on nvidia and nvidia 2x etf w about a 3x total leverage on the portfolio. Buying calls in my robinhood too. Jensen Huang will not let us down.

    If you disagree with me you are regard and hate making money.

    Nvidia will skyrocket at earnings and here is why
    byu/GMEtothemoon inwallstreetbets

    Posted by GMEtothemoon


    1. AwesomeRevolution98 on

      Smci beat earnings but dropped 14%. Arm beat earnings and was down 2% after earnings day off but opened at about 6% down.

      Point is a beat isn’t good enough

    2. mrfartytickles on

      I just started investing I put my first 5k on navidia cause of this. Thank you for the tip

    3. EmbarrassedCoast4611 on

      Love your conclusion on reaching 3x leverage portfolio ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. anadequatepipe on

      NVDA is already worth over 2 trillion dollars. There is no way ANY number they put out will make that price look reasonable. I think they will crater and the meme stocks will skyrocket as everyone leaves NVDA to jump into the next craze.

      The confidence people have that they can still go up a lot more just solidifies this for me. Some of the main WSB celebs of late are going all in on NVDA and I think that’s a clear sign that this is about to be cut in half.

    5. Greensentry on

      Goddamit, this regard went and blew the entire bullish case for NVDA with this post. Now they will probably report a miss.

    6. brudi_dutschke on

      I remember last NVIDIA earnings, when everyone in this sub was bearish, and price went down the preceding days. I jumped in and made some money. Now most of you in here are bullish – you know what that means.

      Still, wouldn’t buy puts, cause that’s blasphemy. Also maybe a bit risky. Jensen could put on a second leather jacket and price skyrockets. Gonna sit this one out.

    7. or it could be like TSM and Tesla inversing. Earnings could swing stock either way. I hope it goes up

    8. nomnomyumyum109 on

      Life savings maxed out on margin – its like watching the setup on your fave old porno, we all know what comes next

    9. HossBonaventureCEO_ on

      I agree cause I’m also overleveraged on nvda atm. But I’m playing with gamestore gains so fuck it

    10. They’ll announce a dividend raise, strong guidance, new partnerships, update product shit, hype. Stock to 1500 by year’s end. We are almost mid year so 1100-1200 soon. It’s time we up the level of top companies to 4-5 trillion dollars market cap. Can’t live anymore with these 1-2 trillion dollar companies it’s been like 4-5 years on that level give or take some. All that money that’s been printed, that inflated us and made us poorer must go to corporations, what do you think this game is about?

    11. Decent-Ad-4358 on

      Earnings trend of Beat on EPS and Rev, small guidance miss, goes 2-6% down to screw calls. Hope it does go up 20% for you guys though, good luck.

    12. MinimumCat123 on

      Username is a dead giveaway that this guy has no idea what he’s talking about

    13. No-Tough7376 on

      I think the boat took off and you missed the cruise a while ago now it’s just desperate

    14. NeuralShrapnel on

      35% would be like a 700…..BILLION jump in price after the past years crazy pump. post positions

    15. External-Theme-9643 on

      Nvdia rockets to 1100$ this Wednesday. People should just accept it now or miss out

    16. oh man i cant wait to come back here and laugh at your expense.

      Nvidia calls/puts are way too risky/expensive that any movement away from what you bet on and you are absolutely crushed.

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