You can clearly see when I discovered options, blew my account, took a break and then hopped back in.

    The recent volatility is all from bitcoin

    Posted by vinylectric


    1. gntlbastard on

      Any higher and you might be arrested for insider trading. don’t you know that those kinds of returns are reserved for politicians?

    2. Due-Historian3145 on

      imagine what a simple sp500 index fund would have done for ya with way less effort

    3. Well I guess at least you used some sort of stop loss…being this regarded I’d think you’d be at 0

    4. Inevitable-Golf-5537 on

      You’re up. That’s what matters. I’m still trying to recover. BIGLY 😓

    5. Beneficial_Talk_637 on

      I’m up 8k this year on 5% interest on 145k in my Robinhood account, come on.

    6. UtahItalian on

      God damn that’s some good looking loss porn. You would have easily doubled up if you kept it in SPY

    7. You’re actually down by around 25% due to inflation. you could’ve had 443,000 if you invested in the S&P 500 instead

    8. WarenAlUCanEatBuffet on

      I’d like to personally thank you for keeping the market efficient and allowing me to make solid passive gains

    9. Actually you are very far behind because we’ve had almost 50% inflation in the last decade.

    10. Mindless_Ad5500 on

      Stop gambling and buy index funds. Then stop looking at the market and get a new hobby.

    11. The first one is always free ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    12. Financial_Employ_970 on

      Also, puts on ASTS? Sir, you should have calls there.
      Try index funds instead of picking singular stocks and gambling.

    13. You’d have 535k had you just dumped it into an index fund and ignored it lol

    14. Economy_Discussion12 on

      Down about 9 years worth of inflation ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    15. You’re actually down about 279K since the S&P is up about 155% since October 2015.

      I hope that helps you sleep better.

    16. Ill-Help7820 on

      do you guys ever google the price of a stock that you’re holding to see what its at and it does the thing where it shows being 12% down even when its not? gives me a heart attack every fucking time

    17. I blew same amount. Now I’m back with 30k. Trying to breakeven. Any advice on what u did?

    18. You’ve only been investing for two years and decided to take up options trading?

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