Hi there. Totally new here. I lost my engagement ring on a beach a few weeks ago. I have it insured for the past 15 years or so, ever since I got it. I called the insurance company and they sent someone to my house to discuss the claim. I thought it was pretty standard but then he was asking other questions unrelated to the ring incident. Questions about debt, liens, etc. I then realized after looking at his card he was an investigator. I guess i should have realized this prior but I didnt really think anything of it. We do have plenty of debt. The claim is for 20K. Our debt is close to that. I disclosed everything obviously but then he asked things like do you have pictures from the beach (I didnt). Ring doorbell footage of me leaving and coming home that day. The ring did catch me coming back but didnt catch me leaving as I went out the side door. Everything I told him was truthful but I feel like he was insinuating fraud based on our debt. I asked as such and even said If i was being honest, I wouldnt ever spend that much on a piece of jewelry ever again. Things are different now obviously. I have 3 kids. Im old. More practical, etc. But the fact that I have debt does not preclude the fact that I lost a ring that was insured. I understand why it was asked but can they deny my claim based on that? Or lack of evidence? I dont know how else to prove I lost it. I did call the police department. I gave him the name of the officer I spoke to. I just feel like he saw our debt and immediately thought we were trying to scam.

    Engagement Ring Lost- Investigator Visited
    byu/Intelligent-Film-112 inInsurance

    Posted by Intelligent-Film-112

    1 Comment

    1. MimosaQueen1122 on

      If you have nothing to hide and do nothing wrong, then let them do their investigation and they’ll clear you.

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