Red Lobster probes “endless shrimp” losses after bankruptcy filing

    Posted by WSB_PermaBull


    1. LiquefactionAction on

      Gotta have a hearty lol at the media blaming the unlimited shrimp. Private Equity bought out Red Lobster and spun-off all the Red Lobsters real estate to another holding company that leased it back to Red Lobster forcing RL to take on debt and spend most of their revenue serving their real estate leasing, causing more debt to pile up. [](

      It’s just another typical Toys ‘R Us story. Even Mitt Romney would be proud for this success story.

    2. AzulMage2020 on

      “Lets see…for February that’s 7 hundred pounds of halibut, 400 pounds of graded steak, 200 hundred pounds of shredded lettuce…..and…uh.. why is there a sideways eight for pounds of shrimp????”

    3. Lmao, $284 million in debt and they think it’s the endless shrimp loss of $11 million that killed the company. GTFOH

    4. Randomly-Looking on

      A restaurant offering bottomless anything in a country what’s 40% obese can’t be a winning strategy

    5. I’m about sick of corporations “going out of business” and “going bankrupt” except it’s not real and it’s just a corporate shell game where they swoop the money around and then steal it.

      And then in the end sell the store back to the same people who were running it in the first place. And nothing happens. And nothing changes, except the company finesse a bunch of money away from the people.

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