Bought 50 $16 calls for $.54. Sold everything this morning for $4.66 per contact.

    When do I call a doctor? I owe that HIMS guy from last week a really long hug.

    Posted by Addman007


    1. Ok-Temperature5258 on

      Made a cute $250 today from $10, 17.5 strike. Thank you HIMS guy.

    2. MountainConcern7397 on

      can you explain to me what you did? how were the calls only 54 cents? like what’s a contract vs buying an actual stock?

    3. Tendie_Tube on

      “Rumors began to spread that ‘this HIMS thing really works’ , but it was misunderstood to mean the products instead of the stock.”

    4. Don’t worry. Now you’ll think your genius, gamble on options again, and then be cockblocked with a portfolio down 99%

    5. Johnny_Menace on

      I was so busy getting hyped on meme stocks that I missed the hims post. Fuck

    6. That chart is fully erect. Call a doctor if it lasts for more than 4 hours.

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