Consumer debt at highs

    Delinquencies and defaults on the rise

    Even after the first rate cut it will take 1-2 years to work its way through the system

    How will the consumer survive under high interest rate/ high debt environment?

    Posted by Lively420


    1. “How will the consumer survive under high interest rate/ high debt environment?”
      That’s a great question with a dark answer. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. -Indictment- on

      Consumer Debt being at an all time high is nothing new. So is the stock market.

      People that are financially irresponsible, never had savings in the first place. When you hear “50% of American’s live paycheck to paycheck” it doesn’t mean the economy sucks. It means 50% of Americans suck at budgeting. Most broke people will always be broke. Most financially responsible people will always be financially responsible.

      I make like $150k/yr. My mom and daughters mother, make $250k/year. Guess the 2 that live paycheck to paycheck and guess who is going to be a millionaire soon.

    3. MrForever_Alone69 on

      Yep this bomb won’t explode until the elections have passed. For this market everything is bullish, but eventually people will have to decide whether to pay debt or eat and I can tell you right now which they are going to choose. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    4. Everyone is yoloing after spending a couple years pent up inside from the kung flu

    5. Looks like the average WSBers account value after discovering options trading

    6. What the hell is excess savings? This dude really had to reach deep into his bear asshole to pull out this chart.

      The only two charts that matter are unemployment percentage, which is at 4% (historically low)

      And the household debt % as disposable income which is historically low.

    7. Realityhrts on

      Consumer debt is too low. 66% of household debt is in the form of a home mortgage. US household assets are 8x debts. It’s a problem for the bottom 30% but the top 70% power the economy anyway.

    8. ExaltedStillness on

      Damn I hate seeing data that confirms my feels and fears. Feel like this ticking time bomb won’t go until after the election but who knows.

    9. Costco__Pizza on

      Zoom out a little bit. Savings were extremely high during COVID years, which are conveniently where this graph starts.

    10. bawtatron2000 on

      Just get a credit card for your credit card, problem solved.

      Seriously though, pleebs will think they are doing better soon as the government fires up the money printer again ….oblivious to the consequences of that.

    11. Jorel_Antonius on

      I’d say they are. Only keep 10k in savings for emergencies that I need liquidity for. Problem is I just had to buy a new dishwasher so I needed to take out 900. Everyrhing is getting more expensive but my paycheck ain’t getting any bigger. Replacing the 900 isn’t as quick as it was.

    12. SalesforceStudent101 on

      Woah, you mean the couple thousand dollars that the government handed out 4 years ago has been spent?

      No way!

    13. speak for yourself, i’m still living big off my $1,200 stimulus check from 2020.

    14. SubstantialShoe1693 on

      Nice, so hopefully in 2025 people start losing their jobs ontop of having no savings. That way they are forced to sell their house, and new homebuyers can enter the market 😀

    15. Hugheston987 on

      The rich get richer while the poor get poorer, ugh. Time for revolution

    16. Well from 2020 to 2022 it was basically impossible to get a lot of things due to supply chain and covid issues.  2023/24 has seen me drop around 60% of my income directly onto projects that were delayed for 2-3 years.  

      I suspect the savings dip will normalize in 2 years

    17. who_you_are on

      No worries, we now have 8 people living in the same tiny apartment to save enough!

    18. LongliveTCGs on

      How; with monthly subscriptions. everything is gonna be a subscription, and the minute your credit/debit card is frozen, you die

    19. I still have some… should be enough for bitch fucking time at 5pm for the next 4 months.

    20. DieCastDontDie on

      They won’t. That’s the point. US is trying get the people to use up all accumulated wealth to incentivize people to work harder in order to increase productivity. Canada on the other hand is doing the same with absurd amounts of immigration. Neither will work because of the culture. It’s unbelievable how quickly they fucked up the system. It only took 25 years.

    21. Supremefeezy on

      My total consumer debt is about half of my emergency fund. As much as I hate paying interest. I’m just making minimum payments because I feel really odd about the direction things are going.

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