Just curious on cases from anyone here, since I remember that one time a lady called in and asked me how can she claim the auto insurance, I noticed that the policy started literally that same day and I asked some probing questions like time of the accident, some minor details, and finally got to a point where I had to ask “so you got the insurance online after the accident?” and then she answered yes and how she can use the coverage since she paid for it.

    It was pretty funny and silly having to explain that wouldn’t be covering this accident.

    For anyone working in the industry, what was the most foolish question/request that a customer did to you?
    byu/insuranceproagent69 inInsurance

    Posted by insuranceproagent69


    1. Dramatic-Ad9089 on

      Most foolish request or question? Probably the people who ask me if I am going to arrest or press charges against someone for driving without insurance. It’s nice to think that people think we have the same authority as the police!

    2. Boomer_Madness on

      I had a guy tell me he was using a fake address to get his kid into a different school but wanted to use that for his auto insurance so that he could use that as proof of residency.

      I legit laughed and was like hey bud your gonna need to find another agent i’m not even going to offer you a quote and then he got pissed and got in my face. Like he was gonna some how intimidate me into doing it. That honestly made it even funnier

    3. I had a guy request from us an upgrade to his vehicle into a Tesla

      I asked him the reason and without skipping a beat he tells me in the most hippie voice “I just, like really care about the environment, man.”

    4. One time I had someone come into the office with a quote I had run for them about a decade prior saying they wanted to make the switch for the quoted price.

      Quotes are good for 30 days but years?

      Also, the company I had quoted was no longer writing business in the state. I told them I could run a current quote. They asked if the current companies we offered could honor the quote and I explained no.

      I ran the quote and yes it had changed significantly. They left upset.

    5. sancholives24 on

      I think the craziest request was from a client that inquired about insuring a business he had already started on his property. It was a youth, dirt track, car racing school. He had already built the dirt track on his property and was teaching children as young as 6 how to race. I told him I wouldn’t even know where to start looking for that.

    6. a customer was disputing the quality of a claim repair with the body shop, he was very particular and expected his 5 year old car to look brand new, after the body shop told him to pound sand, the customer berated the claims adjuster, the customer expected the claims adjuster to somehow hold the body shop accountable to his expectations

    7. angel_inthe_fire on

      I dunno, lately customers demand I meet them at 5:30am or 7:30pm for an inspection – or Saturday which I don’t work. And be genuinely angry I wouldn’t go outside my business hours to meet them.

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