So much for the negative sentiment around his 56 billion dollar pay package 😐

    Posted by Brendawg324


    1. Elon’s linguistic gymnastics never fail to entertain, nor do they fail to line his pockets with more gold.

    2. Visinvictus on

      I fully expect this program to fail even harder than the Cyber truck did. It’s always “2 years from now”.

    3. Sorry, but please explain how this is supposed to change my sentiment around his 56 billion pay package?

      If anything this just cements my position. It’s more grandstanding, more kicking the can down the road, more promises of things to come. Well you know eventually those things have to happen, right?

    4. IF this were true

      > “[The trucks] could do more than 1000 miles in a 24-hour period; fast charging enables that,” Priestley said.

      Tesla would go to $1k but it just sounds like more pump for his August reveal. It also doesn’t make sense a driver can only drive 8 hours per day by law, and you can’t have a partner cuz only one seat

      Even if he does pull it off, the trucks are uncomfortable. The engineers need to spend 8 hours driving in it to understand that truckers don’t care about big screens rather the ability to be able to look out the window(parallax vision to judge distance) The windows don’t even roll down they pop out like a hatchback.

      Plus there’s no room for lot lizards

    5. RecommendationNo3531 on

      Fuck the naysayers. Majority of WSB regards don’t have a fucking clue about markets and stocks.

    6. ” which has experienced a series of delays since CEO Elon Musk debuted the rig back in 2017. “

    7. 36 truck built, 35 recalled. That was a year ago. It still appears they have only built 36 trucks.

    8. Silly_Butterfly3917 on

      >In real-world testing with Pepsico, Tesla Semis performed long-range runs of 250 and 520 miles with a gross vehicle weight including cargo of up to 82,000 lbs, the maximum allowed by law.

      I refuse to believe these numbers without a demo. I GAURANTEE this things range is 300 miles with no load. I’m just going off of past elon promises.

      Edit: I found the website for the complete mileage data. You can go day by day and semi by semi and see their data.

      To summarize: this was an 18 day experiment with only 3 trucks. In all 18 days for all 3 trucks NONE OF THE WEIGHT IS LISTED. This data is USELESS! also, none of the trucks drove all 18 days. This is the most pathetic “test” I’ve ever seen.

    9. Pitiful_Difficulty_3 on

      So fsd truck replace truckers. Less people buying Pepsi products.

    10. Hailtothething on

      Elons work brought Teslas market cap up by about 40B, TODAY, in ONE Single day! Pay him for his 6 YEARS of already rendered work.

    11. CombatConrad on

      Anything with the words Tesla and Truck should send the stock down to its real world value.

    12. Elon’s just releasing these Model 2 teasers and the Semi stuff to get folks excited again, so they approve his comp package. He’s fallen so far

    13. Musk: “Let’s try this again for the 69th time, give me the billions I deserve or else.”

      Board: “No.”

      Musk: “Fine. The Tesla Bot will now be able to give blowjobs.”

      Stock jumps 15%.

    14. “we might in the future maybe perhaps be able to deliver 50.000 trucks a year!!!”

      Surely that justifies a 6% valuation jump, because that apparently wasn’t built into tsla’s hilarious +500B valuation.

      Fucking clown market.

    15. Shit like this is how you know the system is completely rigged.

      This man is dangling the company over a cliff, but people are excited about “news” for this piece of shit truck

    16. Chemical-Idea-1294 on

      Why do all fall for Tesla with this not very ambitious numbers? Compare that to Daimler Trucks with more than 1000 fixed orders, MAN/Scania will also bring hundrets of trucks on the streets in 2024.
      The increase of 6% at Tesla only because of the trucks is insane, that are 30 (?) billions in company valuation up.

    17. gnocchicotti on

      I like the application of hauling potato chips, that’s probably something it can do without smoking the battery in 30 miles.

    18. smelly_farts_loading on

      Keep coming up with new bullshit that won’t actually happen. Elon is such a good snake oil salesman

    19. Hype doesn’t work as well in down markets and Tesla has *devastated* their customers with price cuts making trade ins impossible. The “Apple effect” that electric cars should have had are *toast* due to bad management by the company and very low existing customer consideration.

      Then Elon axes his charging team when it’s by far the biggest and most important part of the business (own the network) and already BP is circling trying to buy it.

      Will Tesla survive the continued management caused crisis after crisis? I want them to. Very much. But the company needs to stop being used as a piggy bank for Elon and start being treated like the once-in-three-generations automotive success it is and get focused on the long term success of the category and the incredible financial synergies it can unlock with home energy and stop thrashing.

    20. I cast my TSLA votes today against Musk’s pay theft and putting his family/Murdoch on the board lmfao. I also voted for the 1-yr term thing too.

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