hey guys,
    I’m in a bit of a spot. I currently have a policy with progressive and my insurance is running me over 500 a month. I’m 19 and had an accident almost 2 years ago. Because I was on my family’s plan, we didn’t realize that my accident was a huge part in what made it so expensive. My parents took me off their plan and now I’m stuck looking for a new one. I tried all the big names and they’re all horrible. Should I just take the chance with liability only? I’m a good driver and the circumstances with my accident were complicated and im sure I can’t say that on here. The general was the one that quoted my 1200 a month, which I think is funny to mention. just insane. If anyone in Texas knows of a way a can get cheaper coverage please put me on. I’m a student, and I wait tables so it’s not like I can just throw away money. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    Car insurance 1200 a month
    byu/Far-Revolution-2802 inInsurance

    Posted by Far-Revolution-2802


    1. Just do liability only. Drive a really shitty car that if you lose it, you only lose a couple months premium anyways, and so with the money saved from collision and comprehensive, you can just replace the car. If you’re truly a good driver, that means insurance is overestimating your risk and so you should not go with their pricing.

    2. Great opportunity to learn more about insurance (not trying to be a jerk) – look up independent insurance brokers/agents near you and set aside time to meet with one of them. They can quote multiple companies and help pick the right coverages for your financial situation.

    3. Benjammin172 on

      Good driver or not, you’d really be rolling the dice going liability only unless you can afford to pay for a replacement car out of pocket. Your best bet will be to shop around with an independent agent and get as many quotes as possible. Take some defensive driving classes which should get you some credit on your premium. After all of that it would be up to you to weigh the pros and cons of going liability only and what you could potentially be on the hook for going forward. Note that if you’re financing a car, that isn’t going to be an option. Could also be worth it to look into alternate cars but you don’t list what you’re driving in your original post so it’s hard to say how much of a part that plays.

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