How Much For XRP with 90 New Blockchains, Ripple Cosmos IBC Partner, IRS Using AI, Mastercard Shocks

    hey hey everybody it’s Eddie from Tokyo this is your cryptocurrency update from Japan and the market is up over 6% Bitcoin wow up nearly 8% well over 66,000 the total market cap is over 2.4 trillion you’re looking at the top 100 and yeah we have a lot of impressive gains Jupiter fetch they’re up over 10% near is up over 133% Phantom immutable say up in that 17 and 18% range yeah Bitcoin is coming out with a Roar as inflation numbers were good and MasterCard very interesting MasterCard is going after startups they are going to start an accelerator program that is really the thing lately stable coins will be a big Focus the projects are coming from France UK Singapore us and Belgium and look at their announcement the next generation of blockchain and banking fusing the flexibility of crypto with the convenience of Fiat wow we have arrived today was a very strange day on X unfortunately we have individuals that are just spreading plain wrong information and it’s not the first time for this Smoke Dog and what what’s crazy is he doubled down and then tripled down insisting that the xrp lger had offline capabilities for payments vet tried to explain to him that you cannot validate a transaction or use the xrp Ledger if it is offline I had brought this up a couple of days ago because there was a big YouTuber who was also spreading the same information and I just said said I can’t take it anymore and scams joined in with me and said Eddie I can’t take it anymore and finally weza wind came in and said The xrp Ledger has no offline capabilities and he said scams I can’t take it [Music] anymore in mayuka ripples senior software engineer told him that it just doesn’t work by Magic you see when a transaction happens not payments but when a transaction is made offline yes you can take those details and securely store them onto a user’s device but there’s no update to a ledger or blockchain therefore there is no payment with a record on the blockchain or Ledger only the device when it’s connected to the internet or encounters another device that is connected to the online blockchain network does it sync synchronize with the stored transactions so this means that a payment only occurs after the device goes online yes with the internet electricity and is recorded on The Ledger now this sort of process is called a deferred synchronization but The xrp Ledger does not have offline capabilities now not only have we seen a lot of misinformation with R3 and the digital asset xrp but there is today uh even information going around that they are over the target with xrp being used with the embridge now if you did just a little bit of research you’d find this article which is from digital finance and It quotes Brooks and twistle the senior managing director of Ripple for that APAC region he’s located in Singapore and he talks about the embridge in this and that project is a multi-central bank pilot that took place in Hong Kong and Singapore and this embridge really would render ripplet irrelevant as he goes on to say and I quote the single Corridor cbdcs would really be a challenge for us and twistle said I did a big write up on this last May and if you want want to tap into that article just search on digital Finance with Brooks and twistle name and I’m sure it’ll pop up it was published on May 23rd 2023 The xrp Ledger is going to have a deep integration with the cosmos blockchain and it’s the future of interchain and this evm side chain it’s going to have a customizable stack which brings new chains via IB C that’s a term you want to learn it’s inter blockchain communication protocol there’s going to be a lot of new terminology to learn for the xrp community there’s going to be a lot of new use cases and a lot of new community members coming into the xrp community that are very developer focused I wonder what in the world they’re going to think when they come across some of this misinformation I have a really short clip that will show you exactly what IBC is going to do for the xrp ecosystem IBC is sh for inter blockchain communication and represents one of the most crucial Innovations in the cosmos ecosystem it could entirely change the blockchain industry in the coming years throughout 2021 we saw many layer ones like Avalanche and Zana emerging all of them developed their own network effect however all of them find it hard to connect one solution is to connect these blockchains through single Bridges with the help of bridges users can transfer assets back and forth between different blockchains but Bridges have been vulnerable to attacks recently and sometimes unreliable Cosmos introduced the communication standard that blockchains can use to communicate with each other to transfer assets cross chain without relying on Bridges this communication standard is called IBC you can imagine IBC like the English language at international airports besides signs in the local language these airports also provide signs and announcements in English so everybody can understand them English is a Global Communication standard so IBC just for blockchains on a high level people can lock their assets on one chain and mint them again on another chain IBC could unite all the different chains in the crypto space and bring crypto to the masses this is what IBC is all about I hope you got a basic understanding of what IBC is and stay tuned as we will publish more cosmos videos very soon until then guys and thanks for watching I was thrilled to see all the wonderful comments in my last video with the clip that I played for John Deon who appeared on the Channel 10 in Boston he has really found his voice I think I think it’s one of the best speaking engagements he’s ever had Jeremy Hogan also had a great comment on X he said JN has always impressed him with how fast he has become really Adept at new things he learns Security’s law in a couple of months now he’s become an articulate political candidate at the same time after his stint in the US Senate he will challenge him to learn ballet I love Jeremy’s humor all right I’m going to take a surprising clip take you out of this video yeah I can’t wait to see your comments so until next time do take care Sanara for now bye-bye what we have learned is that the IRS in fact has been using AI to access bank accounts of American citizens without any kind of a search warrant or even without any specific claim that they have committed a crime so this was something that was uh discovered by an undercover journalist and what they found is that the IRS has claimed that they have access to every single person’s bank account this person also indicated that they’ve been working with the Department of Justice and that they have absolutely no problem whatsoever going after the little guy to make sure that they are paying their taxes this is such a blatant violation of the fourth amendment that we have Jim Jordan and I sent a letter to the IRS demanding that they provide additional information about what they are doing with AI and what they are doing to protect the civil rights of American citizens so congresswoman what’s the end game here because at the end of the day you can’t put the AI Genie back in the bottle and it’s so easy easy rather to use these Technologies um in the way that you’re suspecting the IRS is how do you protect American citizens and our constitutional rights well one of the things is we need a new Administration in November because this administra has been absolutely Lawless in terms of its surveillance of of us of members of Congress of local officials of people who are protesters of Voters this this Administration has completely ignored the Bill of Rights whether it’s the first amendment the Fourth Amendment the fth amendment they have weaponized the government against us so one of the things we [Music]

    #XRP #Ripplenet #Ripple #Blockchain #web3

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    1. The disconnect within project M-Bridge was it's "Hotstuff" ๐Ÿ”ฅ protocol, a gap which Axelar filled. XDC incorporates Hotstuff protocol in it's upgrade this month. Fyi

    2. First off, I love your content – you always have great information and delivery. Regarding another politician sending a letter? That's the equivalent of "I'm going to tell your mom". I've heard it for 10 years, more times than I can count. And not one single thing had actually taken place, nobody has been fired or reprimanded. It's a total joke

    3. Eri, can you please speak about how binance will no longer support XRP and all on the the binance exchange on May 24th will be converted into USDT. Only you or Crypto Clause will cover it. Maybe Ceej. Thats huge news around the world!

    4. Lol , love Jeremy Hogan's humor too๐Ÿ˜‚ 100%, this current administration just doesn't have to go, It needs to go to jail!๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

    5. If you are still living in the US, you need to leave and go where you, your family and finances are treated best. The empire is in its death throws and it doesn't matter whether a democrat or republican is in office, they are nothing more than the two wings of the same bird of prey. They are like two wolves discussing what's for dinner with the sheeple.

    6. Market expert Cryptobilbuwoo "suggests that XRP currently trading at around $0.50 could potentially skyrocket to nearly $600 " ๐Ÿ˜ hodl ๐Ÿคž

    7. Coreum has bridged IBC to the XRPL months ago. Fast, low fee, defi on Coreum, Osmosis and more. Our DAO has been bridging the communities for the past year. I'd love to have you on the show to discuss.

    8. Americans need to consider intervention.. the forefathers of the country created an entire country of FREEDOM over a nominal tax on Tea . Yet in the year 2024 Americans are taxed well over 50% when calculating Federal, State, Sales, Interest, Gas etc etc taxes compounded on top of one another.. we need legal intervention to build a lawsuit against the Government and abolish the IRS

    9. Digfin article you quoted on is about a year old. Before july 2023 ruling. People need to read the whole article, written 05/2023. You come across negative, and that is how people are seeing your channel. I appreciate the realistic views of your content. Not the crazy stuff posted out there, like we do not need electricity. or internet. Just Crazy.. But you should have read a few paragraphs after statement render RippleNet irrelevant. It was a good article. It states there is challenges ahead for everyone, every project.

    10. XRP is a piggy bank for Ripple, thatโ€™s it. All the news has amounted to nothing over the past 7 years. I should have been more diversified, I would be retired already had I not been mostly all in on XRP.

    11. Eri, why are you including Fox as a reliable source? They are an entertainment channel, not "News" as they like to pretend. Yes AI is being used by the IRS, but only Republicans claim it's being used to spy on people. As per usual, they claim with ZERO evidence. And it turns out not to be true, then they still win. Because in the eyes of the uneducated, that lie remains a truth.

    12. Ya know, I trust your thoughts because you seem to be not only highly informed but, a nice woman. Sure, get our trust and confidence. That's how internet stalking starts, so…..๐Ÿ™‚ Seriously, if I want answers, you usually have them. Especially when there's so much garbage out there. Thanks for sifting and, vetting. (I had to pause. The airbase across the lake plays the National Anthem every morning at 0800. Everything stops around here. My dogs know.)

    13. When you focus on one of thousands and thousands of people in the XRP Army and then wonder what the Cosmos community will think because the community is "nuts", you are lumping the thousands of people who have nothing to do with misinformation into a negative group introduction to another community. Your opinion matters and this feels wholey undermining to both communities. I'm not sure why you would triple down on this, but here we are.

    14. IBC is trying to copy the fLARE F-Asset communications mechanisms WITHOUT a way to secure or validate the DATA — it is TOO LATE TO THE PARTY.

    15. Eri's videos are a treasure trove of invaluable insights and wisdom! His multifaceted expertise in tax, legal, and wealth management makes him a go-to resource for navigating the complexities of personal and small business finance. Evelyn's engaging delivery and practical advice have significantly enhanced my understanding of wealth-building strategies

    16. Wait, do you think cryptocurrency will crash? I don't think so. I'm using Eledator, traders just do business instead of me ๐Ÿ™‚ I don't afraid even if crypto will crash

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