So my wife had our baby in January. They billed our insurance 13k that same month, and I paid what my insurance said I owed. The itemized bill just said "medical care" like 14 times.

    Now a month ago the hospital billed my insurance again, also interestingly 13k (but minus like $50 from the original bill). The claim was completed by my insurance the other day, and when I looked at it all the charges said "denied". The itemized charges being "inpatient admission" listed twice, and "ancillary" listed like 10 times.

    This claim on my insurance website says my member liability is 0 (thank God), but… What is going on here?

    Weird (possibly duplicate) insurance claim from hospital…
    byu/RickSayingCoral inInsurance

    Posted by RickSayingCoral

    1 Comment

    1. Mountain-Arm6558951 on

      Could be the hospital or the insurance company reviewed medical records or the claim and made a correction.

      Call up the insurance company and ask them….

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