I drive older vehicles, mostly because I really like a couple of them. I have put a decent amount of time and money repairing these vehicles that would amount to more than current book value. They are stock repairs.

    I’m having a hard time finding an answer to what my options would be if someone else hit me and was determined to be 100% at fault. Can I demand that their insurance replace my vehicle with the same year make and model and in similar condition?

    I’m just wondering how this is generally handled since asking my own insurance agent would not apply to the situation if someone hit me.

    Can I insist vehicle to be replaced with same year, make, model?
    byu/DavidSpy inInsurance

    Posted by DavidSpy

    1 Comment

    1. The answer will depend on your state’s (or province’s) la z and how the courts have interpreted them. But generally speaking you’re just owed the *value* of your car before the accident, not a replacement, by a third party insurer that you don’t have a contract with.

      Your agent probably isn’t much help because you’re not asking an insurance question so much as a legal one, although obviously the third party insurer is involved.

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