Due to present their clinical updates towards the end of May at a conference. The CEO has stated he’s excited to show the progress and help people understand what the company has been working on. Now, if this were to be negative news it's highly likely he wouldn't wait to appear on stage to present it. It’s much more likely they would issue a Press Release prior to allow the news to settle.  

    Their cash hoard of $17b (Practically their entire market cap) is allowing them to essentially develop an expansive pipeline for <$500m/Yr net loss.   It's an extremely rare scenario for a Biotech name to be in.

    It’s one of the healthiest balance sheets in the entire sector, period.  

    Barrons rightfully picked the name as a top pick for 2024, citing some of this data. It’s down 18% since then. With XBI moving, MRNA on a run and ample catalysts which could present themselves at any moment, this is a clear buy.  


    Weekly shows a clear bottom pattern followed by a tight 4 week range build below key MAs. Looking to position prior to a breakout whilst the price trades with a huge margin of safety.

    $BNTX – $17b cash with no debt, huge pipeline & news imminent
    byu/Stonkgang_ inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Stonkgang_


    1. They do have a lot of liquid assets, but you’re basically buying into the hoard at a 2% commission at current prices.

    2. I like the fact management hasn’t issued a special dividend with this cash hoard. They could easily do so and receive a huge payday across the board. The fact it remains to focus on their pipeline gives me huge confidence.

    3. Most newer biotech companies have fantastic balance sheets, but until they actually get something approved none of it matters.

      Sure these guys can bleed money longer than others but I need to make sure the rats they are killing aren’t exploding from the butthole before I invest.

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