Trading on volatility of SMCI at the open.

    Posted by Life-Display-6726


    1. Efficient-Log-4425 on

      If you did that every 7 minutes, ever day, it would take you 7 years to be as rich as Bezos.

    2. You could be even richer if you stepped back into that time machine and moved the dial backwards half a century

    3. Did you write those in an excel file and print them out? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    4. outoftownMD on

      for most people who buy a single contract, this is like buying something for $27 then selling for $33. % is what’s mosti mportant here (28.5% ish). Caught a good volatility and that’s about it!

    5. alwaysmyfault on

      OP the kind of guy to take out his single use Kodak film camera, take a picture of his computer screen, have the photo developed, take it home, scan it into his computer, and then email the pic to himself, and proceed to print it out, only to take a pic of the printout with his cell phone, text it to himself, and then upload the text to imgur so he can post it on Reddit.

    6. erick_realy on

      Wait let me get this straight lol. So you decided to print out the order, cut them out separately, use a sharpie to scribble out your account number that everyone can still see, took a picture of your trade, THEN decided to post on Reddit…

      I’ll save you some time but it’s gonna cost you about $6480. The secret here is to take a screenshot brother. It’ll be another $5 for a tutorial. Lmk if your interested

    7. SurvivedWayWorse on

      I call BS… 5 minutes to fax the buy order and another 5 minutes to fax the sell.

      “The last four digits of your account are showing.”

    8. Organic-Pudding5372 on

      do i look like i know what a jpeg is? i just want a picture of a got dang hotdog

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