I was in an accident yesterday when I fell asleep at a red light and rolled into the car in front of me (I think this is what happened I dont have perfect recollection for obvious reasons). I rear end the car in front of me and there was no noticeable damage to either vehicle other than some very minor pain scuffing on the bumper of the car in front of me. My concern about the whole situation other than the obvious part of falling asleep and that being terrifying is the other person was test driving a car, I'm assuming a new car. Does that increase my liability since the dealership will have to report the accident and tank the sale value? i have coverage for 50k for the other vehicle and 50k for injury, How fucked am I? The other driver seemed understanding but am I realistically open to a lawsuit? We had a officer come who did not write a ticket and cleared me after a sobriety test but did not generate a report due to how minor the accident was.

    Fell asleep at red light minor accident
    byu/ArtichokeKey8912 inInsurance

    Posted by ArtichokeKey8912


    1. PeachyFairyDragon on

      On the non-insurance side **see your doctor**. I had a friend who passed out while driving, initial thought by everyone including the police was that he fell asleep. While he was in the hospital recovering from injuries his heartbeat dropped dangerously low for a few minutes. It turned out his “falling asleep” was a heart condition and he needed a pacemaker.

    2. lowrankcluster on

      Also, if the accident was minor, 50k for property is enough unless you hit a lamborgini.

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