1. Dildomuflin on

      Bulls are fucked 😂

      Nvidia is already priced in for 2 years of growth .

      Heading back to $300 soon

    2. ForsakenBLOOP on

      WHO FUCKN TOLD ME THIS SHIT WAS GOING TO 1000+ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. permabear2023 on

      I bought NVDA first for the last stock split and sold right after and thought I was smart.

    4. lostredditorlurking on

      Wendy just has an influx of applications from all the NVDA 🌈🐻

    5. Just waiting to see what kind of legend I am tomorrow.  Good or great it’s been a fun ride y’all. Life savings in NVDA calls! 

    6. 0dteOfWallSt on

      Most of y’all bought so far out and don’t know what an IV crush is lmfaooo, good luck tomorrow

    7. Consistent-Platypus3 on

      100 shares to 1000 shares, Jensen I can’t wait to fuck an asian man because you![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    8. the_sound_of_a_cork on

      You cannot play options consistently and still have money. At some point you need to buy shares.

    9. Pump to 1000, stock split 1:10

      Nvid pumps back up to 1000 next year. It’ll be as big as the US economy

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