Papa Jenson delivered, NVIDIA Beat earnings and raise guidance

    Posted by makshelah


    1. ClearlyCylindrical on

      Wasn’t there a guy that bet 6 mill on selling calls in here earlier or am I mistaken?

    2. Alive_Lingonberry_22 on

      Gay bears Porn loss gonna be brutal this week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    3. Labrawhippet on

      10 to 1 stock split. If this bitch goes to the moon again in 12 months I’ll never go to fucking Wendy’s again.

    4. Historical-Classic43 on

      It literally did seem like the whole market revolved around this shit. We are living in a god damn simulation lol

    5. League-Weird on

      I bought at $950 last week and had my doubts. With NVDA touching $1k, 10:1 stock split, and dividend increase I may just ask my wife’s boyfriend if I can watch this time.

      ETA: $30k at $950 per share. It’s about 70% of my portfolio. With the 10:1 stock split I will probably hold I indefinitely unless china invades Taiwan. So.
      …….2028 potentially.

    6. carrythethree333 on

      Stock market is almost entirely driven by human emotion/sentiment. NVDA market cap is 10x companies that have 10x the revenue NVDA does. A chart just graphs human emotion

    7. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      Bers said NVDA’s gonna fall off a cliff after 4:20pm EDT, looks like the only thing falling off a cliff are bers’ portfolios :4271:

    8. Iknowyougotsole on

      Fuck alll you NVDA 🌈🐻!!!!

      Jensen is the fuckin Mesiah!!!!

      Jensen Al Gaib!!!!!!!!

      Surrender to NVDA and enter tendie paradise!!!!

    9. What happened to that guy that did a yolo short? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    10. Incredible

      Run the maffs if you had $5,000 in this company exactly 10 yrs,

      and simply forgot about it until today at close

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