Nvidia’s Q1 Earnings Visualized


    Posted by carbon_finance


    1. NegotiationFuzzy4665 on

      I’ll post the same comment I did on OP’s other post in r/infographics… (some info might be wrong cuz I half assed all the research and am going mostly off of memory)

      People need to understand that a 57% profit margin is fucking UNHEARD OF in business. Walmart has a net profit margin of under 3%. Apple is known for having the best financials with a net profit margin of ~26% (and due to that, making up a large part of legendary investor Warren Buffet’s portfolio). Many companies have a profit margin that goes no higher than 20%, and only the best of the best usually beat it. Nvidia had somewhere under a ~15% net profit margin less than 5 years ago, and they’ve raised it almost quadruple that. The AI boom has raised Nvidia from a little-traded regular large-cap, to the third most valuable company on the planet behind other mega-cap companies Microsoft and Apple.

    2. lostredditorlurking on

      God damn those profit margin, and 🌈🐻 still think they can short AI lol

    3. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      That revenue increment is actually fucking insane, having everyone pay whatever ask you list because you are the shovel seller in a gold rush really is a profitable business

    4. No way those margins are sustainable. There will be blood when they inevitably compress.

    5. rainorshinedogs on

      And here I am, with my 4k ray tracing next gen game at 150fps, thinking my 4090 is the most important financial investment of all time

    6. TheKingInTheNorth on

      Here’s the thing…. These margins are insane, but the product they can sell is capped by TSMC capacity.

      Forward P/E is capped by a combination of that and any additional price increases/additional margin they can drive for future generations.

      At some point, GenAI is going to need to make good on all the promises these sales are driving. Spoiler alert – it won’t. The technology is a DREAM when it comes to proof of concept and flashy demos. But it’s an absolute mine field to do anything useful in production, because at their core LLMs are not trustworthy without a human in the middle.

      And then the story shifts from job replacement and miracle productivity growth, to just typical organic productivity growth.

      And these prices aren’t gonna fly if it’s just about providing next generation Clippy to existing workers.

      All that said, no one knows when the disillusionment will occur. So I’m not dumb enough to take a bearish position

    7. blade-runner9 on

      In two years max this hardware will be obsolete. New hardware will be smaller, faster, all while using less energy.

    8. notarealredditor69 on

      I’ve been reading a lot about NVDa today obviously and one thing struck me when they were talking about all of the chips being bought by Meta, Google or something and it’s occurred to me that this thing could actually be a pretty big house of cards.

      Like all these companies are buying these chips and are in a huge rush to buy the next big chip and the one after that but they aren’t really doing anything with them. They are trying to do something with them, they may actually do something with them but right now it’s all theoretical.

      Like NVDAs massive profits are other companies R and D expenses. They are usually my money generated through AI hype to buy the chips they need to keep the hype going.

      But what if it doesn’t really go anywhere? These same companies have spent billions on EVs then abandoned them, or wearable tech then abandoned them.

      I’m not saying I’m bearish on NVDA but I just think a scenario exists where the taps just get turned off once. Like at what point does any of this actually produce anything?

    9. darth__stroke on

      When does a Fiscal year start in USA ? According to nVidia results it’s Feb to Jan. But google says it’s October to September.

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