1. NVDA profit margins are completely insane.  Never seen anything like near 80% gross margin on a revenue number of that size.

    2. #Ban Bet Lost

      /u/KnewTwoDiss made a bet that WMT would go to 57.69 within **1 week** when it was 60.23 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

      Their record is now 7 wins and 5 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    3. Warm_Tzatziki on

      The new Taiwan president is ultra anti-China. China doesn’t like it. They just announced massive military exercises that mimic an invasion.

      It can be scare tactics. Considering tho what China was stating recently, they want Taiwan back this decade.

      This might be the black swan event in 2H of 2024

    4. Diversifying is the same as splitting ur chips across more numbers on a roulette table. Does zip for your odds, just a slower death or trip to the moon. Life is too short for that

    5. Have owned and traded AMD since around 1997 and still have 115 shares but I’m dumping them on this push and moving it to NVDA and maybe half MSFT. Always loved AMD but they’re just too far behind right now IMO

    6. Doogertron64 on

      Here’s hoping a +4% day happens, or +4% over the next two days. Seems reasonable given NVIDIA saved the market last night

    7. Necessary_Race9448 on

      Not only nvidia earnings yesterday, but a full moon tonight, it’s going to be absolute mayhem this market, we will witness history being made

    8. I usually don’t invest in companies whose CEO is shorter than 6 feet.

      Jensen is my only exception.

    9. imaginarytrades on

      Got priced out of where I live so now I have to move the family somewhere cheaper ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) At least my tendies from my trades will go further ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    10. more worried about the guys that bought 1100c yesterday than the bears tbh. imagine being right but still losing money

    11. MarginCallMeDaddy on

      Does anyone else’s dog step on their face to demand breakfast. Thinking of sacrificing him to SPY so we can get a 2% fucking move.

    12. JustinTime4242 on

      Jobs report today

      “There are jobs and people are working”

      “Have a nice day”

      SPY pumps to 540

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