NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang – “Tesla is far ahead in self-driving cars.”


    Posted by MattKozFF


    1. Of course he’s advocating for Teslas camera / video only approach because no other sensors deliver such an enormous amount of data. Which means to train on that data more and more processing power is needed.

      Cameras will probably always be the core part of fsd, but the purist approach without additional sensors doesn’t make sense. It kinda goes against his statement in the video if having fsd AI grounded in physics, what’s more grounded in physics than very accurate distance measurements?

    2. spastical-mackerel on

      Just got back from SF and there are tons of self-driving taxis but not one was a Tesla.

    3. I’ve always wondered why doesn’t Tesla put their money where their mouth is like Mercedes when it comes to their “Self Driving” cars.

    4. brainfreeze3 on

      2% of free trial FSD users stayed on as paid users. Is this that unstoppable growth tesla is priced for?

    5. Silly_Butterfly3917 on

      Oh yea tesla FSD I heard about that. I’m pretty sure it’s coming out it 2016. Pretty exciting stuff! The future will be crazy!

    6. ExpansiveExplosion on

      If it works 99.9% of the time it will feel like it’s almost there, but something like a car to drive daily needs to work 99.99999% of the time before it can get widespread adoption.

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