So last December I got a speeding ticket on my way back from college, they caught me going 70 in a 45 (stupid I know. It was early morning so I figured no cops would be around and I’d be able to get back on the freeway in about half a mile). Came back home and paid the ticket and I’m thinking everything’s good. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago my folks got a call from the insurance agency (State Farm I think) saying my license has been suspended since March due to not completing the procedures of taking a defensive driving class and paying a fee which none of us had any idea of. Due to some state rules and me being under 21 I was labeled a super speeder. We were expecting the rates to raise of course but now come to find out they’re dropping my entire family if I’m still on the insurance.

    I know I fucked up, I learned my lesson from speeding and even doubly so after learning how expensive the who process of having to get the suspension lifted. This was my fault and I accept responsibility, but is there anything I can do? Is it even normal to be dropped entirely after a SINGLE speeding ticket?

    I got dropped from my families insurance after a single ticket, is there anything I can do?
    byu/dedicatedoni inInsurance

    Posted by dedicatedoni

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