This post is just for those who went in after that regard (BasedPrediction) decided to delete his account.

    I seeing a fellow regard wanted to go in.

    I have $4k in expiring tomorrow. I should've just burned it for warmth.

    Consider this the hub of discussion for all the other regards who went in and are about to see red.

    SPWR Guy deleted his account after earnings call got moved from the 23rd to June 4th
    byu/CrashingSky inwallstreetbets

    Posted by CrashingSky


    1. ProblemOk4641 on

      Thankfully I just bought shares! Crazy dropping that money when they had nothing on their investor page re earnings!

    2. Happy-Ad6857 on

      How can they just move the date like that? It was supposed to be this morning

    3. FreshPrinceOfUganda on

      Lmao I went back to check on his post and saw that he deleted it. Rip 500k ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. I was rooting for the guy but looks like another 50% cut today. I think Update 1 was from $500k to $375k or so. Poster could cut losses and keep $200k but that decay …

    5. labaoagadogou on

      rofl… I threw in a 2k aswell, but I selected exp May 31. Glad I did so I can fuck out today with only 20% loss xD

    6. Zestyclose_Hippo_116 on

      Fuck, I too, ivm losing a bunch. Probably did it to offload his calls?

    7. Just went searching for his post because I thought I messed up and misread the earnings date. Fortunately, only threw a couple hundred in on $3.5 calls. Does anyone remember his username?

    8. It was being spammed everywhere, if you bought because of the pumper ring, its on you

    9. OverdosedSauerkraut on

      WTF is this penny shitstock? Whomever gambled on this instead of NVDA earning was asking for it.

    10. abstainjimbeam on

      yeah a gamble lost a 100 :/ won a 100 fanduel guess thats a regard for ya

    11. By the looks of the chain, it looks like whoever bought in was his exit liquidity looking at the opening OI. What a bitch.

    12. Illustrious_Hotel527 on

      Was that options trade a scam or a colossal mistake? I can’t believe someone would burn $500k by messing up the earnings date..

    13. Affectionate-Body221 on

      He put $500k, i repeat, five hundred thousands United States Dollars into call options that have now lost more than 90% of its value today….

    14. Slabbed1738 on

      Lol one of the comments said that they were gonna move their earnings based on their 8k or something too

    15. PolarBearLaFlare on

      Deleting your account after making a bad play is such a bitch move !!! What happened to this place !!!!????

    16. Lmao, and here I am feeling bad about my single worthless 4C I bought yesterday

    17. Curious_King_724 on

      i had no clue companies can reschedule their earnings reports at the very last minute!?!?!

      but still, imagine losing 500k on an earnings play solely bc the earnings date moved…..yikes

    18. OkField5046 on

      If you spend a couple hundred bucks and option for a 3 dollar stock. Your in the top 1%of regards

    19. proteenator on

      There should be some accountability. This guy put in 500k. And advertised it. That’s market manipulation. If he ghosts us, who’s to say that the 500k play was even real ? But the money everyone else put in because they saw his post is definitely real.

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