Insurance company practices are foul. They keep calling my mom with Alzheimers and getting her to change her health insurance over the phone. They got her twice in a month, Humana, then Aetna. Then when I call to fix it, they give me the runaround saying "we don't show a legal representative on her account".  Of course you don't, you're doing this mess over the phone with a dementia patient.  Idiots.  I'm her legal power of attorney already, I'm the one they should be dealing with to begin with.

    How do I stop insurance companies from preying on my mother with dementia?
    byu/Justice989 inInsurance

    Posted by Justice989


    1. There is a difference between a Legal Power of Attorney and a Guardian. You are not her guardian. There is an important difference. You need to go to court and get that put in place. It will be simple as long as you have doctors and/or caregivers reports.

      As to insurance companies, go to your state’s Department of Insurance website and look for any consumer protection links for Heath and Accident coverage.

    2. eye_lowball on

      This may not be starting with the insurance companies. It’s likely some, probably foreign, entity calling her and getting her to change.

      I still get calls about Medicare from when I was disabled 10 years ago when I was 30. They are trying to sell me stuff.

      Not saying it’s right, but the people on the phone, who are selling her this stuff, don’t know or care if she has issues.

      If you have the correct power of attorney, there are different kinds, you should be able to call and get it fixed.

      When you call the people with the insurance company they are likely handling it after the fact and had no process in the changing of it.

      Have you considered having her mail forwarded to you so you can see anything that she is sent when it is changed?

      Also, calling people idiots, likely won’t get you any help on the phone. They don’t know what your mom has and they have to play by the legal rules that out there, HIPAA, and can get in huge trouble if they don’t.

    3. nomoredietyo on

      My sympathies to you and best wishes for your mom. I’ve been in your shoes and it’s a painful journey.

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