Little thought experiment: if I skipped college and worked 4 years in landscaping or construction (2015-2019). Saved ~15k a year and dumped my entire net worth into Nvidia in 2019 with 60k rather than 15k. I’d have roughly 1.5 million right now… safe to say college was a scam?

    Posted by Lost-Improvement97


    1. virus_phantom1297 on

      Brain dead take man every single person alive if they could go back in time and dump a certain amount of money into some company would be rich lol.

    2. “if i took a huge risk without any indication that it would succeed, years ago, with hindsight i would’ve been a millionaire” oh yeah, you’re right where you belong. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

    3. purplebarneypp on

      Lmaoo u have the same mindset as everyone who got nowhere after completing college

    4. odensleep_530 on

      As someone who went to college 2002-2006, I’ve had this dialogue with peers about AAPL.

    5. Please don’t confuse “luck” with “skill”. You gambled, and you won. Be humble about it. Sooner or later the market will humble you.

    6. Ultrabananna on

      Yes yes it is. All you have to do now is pretend that money doesn’t exist. Invest in safe investments that some what catches up with inflation and your set. Government bonds, a good savings. The other savings accounts that I hear about but know nothing about. Find a employer that’ll match your 401k or w/e with a high cap or w/e monthly cap they set put in that maximum amount. You should be able to retire pretty early depending on your lifestyle and tastes. Buy some gold when it drops again for the long hold. Learn about cars and houses. Everything you can. Learn how to find a good used car what used car dealers look at when buying new inventory. Learn about what to look for in aging homes.

    7. If I had a Time Machine and didn’t go to college and just sent the winning lottery numbers back to myself I would have $500MM. Obviously college is a scam.

    8. sun-devil2021 on

      If I suck dick for $20 bucks buy 10 powerball tickets and win the jackpot, is it safe to say college is a scam?

      Literally the exact same question you asked

    9. TrainingOpportunity5 on

      Without colleges there is no Nvidia. Everyone who works on these chips has spent a long time in universities.

    10. This post reminds me of why college isn’t a scam.

      “If I did something other than college for a purpose completely different than that of college, I would have had an outcome different than I would’ve had I gone to college. That means college is stupid!!”

    11. ApexCollapser on

      The people who created NVDA went to college. You’re participating in the *actual* scam.

    12. You did not buy NVDA because of AI or any other financial decision. You bought it because you liked your gaming graphics card made by Nvidia. So did I, well before you did. You got lucky and you know it.

    13. Why are people coming for you? Is sarcasm dead? * *insert jealousy for haters quotes here* * Enjoy your gains and trim a little if need to!

    14. Competitive-Tank-349 on

      little thought experiment: if i skipped elementary school and invested my $10 per week allowance in bitcoin, my net worth would be in the millions. 🤔safe to say my early public education was a scam, defund recess

    15. Complete_Fold_7062 on

      Tell me you’re a white boy without saying it. Take your gains and be glad you exist in a world where ability and talent doesn’t indicate monetary wealth.

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