Lost the rest of it today. Only 23, but feel like I’ve really fucked up. It’s been fun or something like that


    Posted by FeelinDangerous


    1. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, plenty of time to turn it around. Imagine if you did this at 60. Bye bye retirement.

    2. waxheartzZz on

      “You were trying to make your life better, don’t hold a grudge.

      You’ve just lost a large sum of money. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You asked someone out and got rejected. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You took a big risk and failed. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You practiced for months and got in last place at the competition. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      You studied and studied but got a bad grade. You feel hopeless, foolish, regret. You were trying to make your life better.

      Stop being so hard on yourself, you were trying to make your life better. Understand that you are grieving, but don’t allow yourself to hate yourself for having good intentions. Identify the mistakes and move on, but find a way to let it go. Don’t hold a grudge against yourself. “

    3. On the bright side 23 is a good age to fuck up. If it’s going to happen that’s when you want it to. You could be 50 and have torched your retirement.

    4. Go get lit and laid for the long weekend and we’ll see you Tuesday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    5. Long ago somebody gave some terrible advice, I lost a ton of money. Adjusted by inflation it was the same amount. I learnt and I come back stronger. The market always give you a second chance. But learn by yourself, be skeptical.

    6. FiResilience on

      Just imagine that you could have bought a car with the money. However, you wanted to save yourself the fully comprehensive insurance and wrecked the car.

      Now the car is gone and what remains are memories and experiences. Experiences of how you made decisions under great emotional pressure.

      The most important thing is that you analyze these decisions and make your future decisions based on the information you have gained.

      Then a gambler may eventually become a trader.

    7. Mundane_Catch_1829 on

      Its not over until you have the johnson in your hands ready to suck it at the wendys dumpster. Then its pretty much over.

    8. Resident-Resolve612 on

      Why do people post their losses here? I don’t understand 😅 also… how can someone lose 18k without pulling out before losses become too much?

    9. Man look at me crying cuz I sold my 530$ strike spy puts for a whopping 67$ gain this morning

    10. RetiredMillionairee on

      It’ll be alright. You’re very young. Take a break for a while and start over when you’re ready. Try to learn from your mistakes.

    11. AkiraRabbit on

      you’ll be alright

      just breathe

      if you want to waste money send it to people on here rather than giving it to wall street

    12. rcbjfdhjjhfd on

      If you leaned a lesson. Good. You are young. By the time you’re my age 28k will be just a fluctuation in your retirement account.

      Ps start a retirement account. Slow and steady wins the race.

    13. playball2020 on

      It’s not over. You just need an ~80 bagger to break even after taxes. You got this.

    14. To do what you did to dive that deep, do the opposite and you should see the sky once again.

    15. Ok_Intention3920 on

      Next time invest in a ETF like SPY or VTI or something.

      That’s probably the advice you got before and ignored.

      You’d be up.

      ETA: there will be a next time. You are young.

      I took 20k out of my 402k is the market in 2008 to buy a house. Sold the house 3 years later for the same price.

      That 20k would be over $150k today.

    16. greenandycanehoused on

      Go out with friends and have an adventure. This is a blessing in disguises to get you away from the fucking charts. Go out dancing smoke a joint and get laid, this trading stuff will look so meaningless, fall in love with a person

    17. You could have a bad ass watch you could pass down to your son, a couple of jet skis you could use for years, a bad ass month in Europe that you’d remember for a lifetime.

      But instead you rubbed on your phone for a little while.

      Regarded stuff

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