Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s net worth rockets to $90 billion – after stock soars well over $1,000 per share


    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. Background-Paper-686 on

      i think my life goal is to get $1b after that what’s really the point bruh.

    2. last year was 60B and current year is about to be over $120B. $1k a share is just the start. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)

    3. Ha only 90 billion and hundred thousand dollars separate Jensen and me now. I’ll catch up to him in no time

    4. I mean after the first thousand million what do u buy with the other 89 thousand million

    5. Curious how much of his net worth is tied up in Nvidia stock. Wouldn’t you want to diversify some? Even if you think your company is amazing?

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