I bought 10 NVDA $1000 puts right at the open. As the price kept going up, I kept adding 10 more contracts each time. Eventually, I went all-in with my entire account, ending up with 54 contracts total. My account dropped to less than $5000, but I diamond-handed it to the end and surprisingly came out with a profit. During all this, I took an hour to do yoga without looking at the screen; otherwise, there's no way I could have held on…


    Posted by labrador001


    1. RuthlessWolf on

      The other day it was buy and forget, todays its yoga and bet… whats next, nut and rest??

    2. I’m buying these exact contracts tomorrow. Hoping for a Lil pullback going into holiday weekend

    3. Pure luck. One day your portfolio will be down 30% or more after closing the options or expired. I know because I’m just like you not long ago. Lmao

    4. Saved you just for today soon all this will be gone sorry to tell you. You were down 10k by 10am

    5. I doubt that you went all in and in your mind forced to ride it out you would’ve ridden that to 0

    6. CollabSensei on

      Risked $98 and made $12, definitely more relaxing that all this risk I see here.

    7. cyrusthemarginal on

      Pennies.. pennies.. ooo more pennies… what’s that rumble and crunching sounds behind me? Ahh it’ll be fine.. pennies…

    8. I did this too – except I was also long Nvidia because I’m not a gay bear. I made money from the dip (as a hedge,
      whole market turned red) and from earnings.

    9. You held it all the way from 15k->5k and didnt even cut half for risk management?? Congrats you belong here πŸ˜‚

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