I (17 M) recently graduated a year early from hs and I have the next year to dedicate to any skill set or training that I could use to make myself money in the future. Any suggestions? I’ll be taking a few classes at a local college in the fall but besides that my schedule is wide open.

    I have the next year to dedicate to a single skill…
    byu/magnita_ inEntrepreneur

    Posted by magnita_


    1. Soul-directed-life on

      What is something that you are passionate about or when u do it, it feels like you get into a flow state?

    2. Read a lot. You would get a lot more value asking this sub for a reading list than a specific skill. We have no clue what your interests are nor, likely, are you all that sure of what you want to do. Which is why I’m guessing you are asking. Entrepreneurship is a mindset. A way of looking at things to see monetization where no one else does. No one skill will teach you that. I’ll start you off. The Art of War, The Art of The Start, and Marketing to Mindsets are excellent books.

    3. lowvitamind on

      Coding bro, there’s no other answer. You can listen to as many e-books as you want as you do it. But as a hard skill – coding. From website design, to software it’s a super power learning it young. See indiehackers

      Also enroll in a part time college learning a second language and take it seriously.

    4. Start a side project and engage real users. There will be problems coming up that require you to acquire new skills naturally. Dm me if you want some ideas.

    5. senthil_reddit on

      This might take a few years so this is not a one year plan. Start working on it one by one. 1. Coding 2. Mathematics 3. Build a lot of physical strength – most entrepreneurs I know are just plain strong. 4. Learn enough economics to understand all the terms of an annual statement filed by a large corporation to the SEC. As an exercise pick a stock and invest 100$ and watch it for a few years, try to understand why it went up, why it went down etc. And oh, you said 17, so don’t forget girls!, or boys as the case maybe. But yea, that will take most of your 20s to figure out. So chop chop, get going 🙂 and good luck out there!

    6. No matter what you choose, you’re going to have to sell it. I would advise learning more about sales and marketing as well.

    7. FewWillingness1081 on

      Social Media Marketing & Social Arbitrage. Period.

      Doesn’t even require school

    8. Coding. Focus on ai and data, it’ll be your best partner and tool to make decisions and developing new projects.

    9. Bro you know the answer, it is in you, dont ask for such questions, cuz everyone is unique and some thing may work for one but not for others, the key here is to keep going, try to understand which is the right direction, you will figure it out easy, due to the fact you are asking such thing, you are on the right track, not to worry, be humble and ready to always steal a skill, ask bro!

    10. Avar_Kavkaz on

      I would pick one of those:

      1-Social skills
      ( Flow-communicating, story-telling, sense of humour, eye contact, body language, positive interactions)

      2- Reading fast
      (Daily reading habit, being able to read fast and understand deep topics by training some scientific techniques.)

      3- Spiritual Positivity
      (When I say the word “spirit”, don’t let it fool you. Even if you are an atheist it is still something you got to focus on. What I mean by that is training your brain to enjoy,have fun, produce positive hormones like dopamine, oxytocin etc without needing others
      Being happy by yourself. Feeling enough by yourself. Looking the life from a positive,pragmatic and opportunistic perspective. Being happy IS A SKILL that you have to train just like you work on your muscles in a fitness gym.)

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