Sorry if it’s a long read, talking into my phone and sometimes go too much. Two weeks ago I was driving through Patterson New Jersey at about 10 o’clock at night. I just got done working two jobs. I climb trees all day then house Trivia at a bar at night. I had one beer throughout the 2 1/2 hour Trivia and then about a half an hour drive home. Only a few minutes from my house This big utility truck like a big wide solid steel flatbed truck with fence panels on it past me on a road going maybe 15 to 20 miles an hour in a passing lane when they got in front of me because I was still close to them and just slam on his brakes as hard as he could. I locked my wheels up and tried to turn out of the way, but there is telephone pole And hood hit the back of the bed of his truck. He seems that I bent the solid piece of steel at the bottom and that has brake light was bent, which was probably the only damage I did. He wanted to settle out of court and I’ll call the police because it was late and he” just got done work” night but then again so did I so I just let it go and said OK get a quote and I’ll send you the money. He texted me about four days later and asked for $1000 for repairs and $500 for his whiplash that’s when I knew it was all fake. so I played his bluff and said I only have to pay a 750 deductible and I will actually get my car fixed as well so it’s actually worth it for me to go through insurance and then he changed his sew up really fast and said that he had missed work for three days because his back hurt but he will take 750 for the repairs. I told him OK that would be fine with me, but we need to sign a contract so I have no more liability, so can you please send me over your documents. At the scene heat up pictures of my license registration insurance, but I never got anything from him. So he texted me his license which was in Maryland license and the truck was registered in New Jersey that was a little strange to me. And I told him that I needed his registration and insurance so I could put the Vin number on the contract I would make so that he could not claim further medical liability or my insurance or later date. He had three days because I asked until Friday to pay him. It is now been a week after the date we were supposed to meet and pay him and I’ve never heard anything back from him so I am more than positive. It was fraud and not his truck so he did not get in his truck? Or he doesn’t really have a license or insurance? My question is if I find out that his truck was not legal or he did not have a license and I still liable? Do I have any chance of suing him and civil court? My truck is pretty damaged. I’m looking at at least $2000 his truck, I could literally fix it my self only a vent brake light mount. on the back of his truck with a huge quarter inch steel frame on the bottom and one side of it was completely twisted, but not bent towards his truck at all as if it had been hit by another vehicle. It looks as if he backed into because the bottom of my truck would have been destroyed if I had hit this solid metal as he cleaned, so I’m just wondering if I have any options. If I go through insurance, sure it will be my fault since technically I hit him but what about civil court? Because sure he doesn’t want to go through insurance at this point and I don’t either because mine will go up and I only have liability but if I take him to civil court judge that maybe he was just trying to extort me for money, I have everything on text.
    Also anybody know how I could run his lisence to see if he’s legal?

    Insurance fraud?
    byu/Upstairs-Object-424 inInsurance

    Posted by Upstairs-Object-424

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