Boeing killing more people. This plane has been in development for over 2 decades and still has problems, but the stock goes up. They really are too big to fail at this point

    Posted by Rgraff58


    1. A lawsuit won’t ground their fleets. Money will keep that plane in the air.

    2. Enigmatic_Observer on

      My personal fav right now is the Reddit military recruiting ad I’ve been seeing recently in my scrolls and front and center is an Osprey – like marines don’t die in that thing every other month it feels like.

      Looks cool as fuck – literal death trap.

    3. AirborneMarburg on

      Funny thing is that the replacement for the UH-60 Blackhawks which are the workhorse for the Army and Navy are the tilt-rotor Bell V-280. I don’t know if they will have the same issues as the bell/boeing V-22, but I think they made the wrong decision long term. Time will tell.

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