I spend like 2-3 hours on Reddit and YouTube on average. At least that’s why my phone says. I feel like a decent chuck is to gather information/grow.

    There are so many book out there on any given subject. Right now I’m focused on finance.

    If I read an improvement book a week, would I really have a better quality, wealthier life?

    I mean I tried to read 20 pages of the millionaire next door and I started to get tired. It’s kind of hard work in a way. I couldn’t even finish the first chapter two pages short.

    How good is reading books? My plan would be to read 4+ star books.

    Is reading books superior to watching YouTube videos and asking on Reddit, for information?
    byu/SaltyAqua77 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by SaltyAqua77


    1. Its not that reading itself is superior, its that people who wrote it usually are superior to those who make YouTube content or comment on Reddit.

      But reading random self help books will not make you successful. Instead you should read books related to actual skills you want to learn.

      And no “getting rich” isn’t a skill. I mean actual skills like sales, marketing, programming, design…

    2. IlloVerbum882 on

      Reading books provides in-depth knowledge, YouTube & Reddit are great for supplementary learning.

    3. Start off reading books about whatever subject you want to study that are actually entertaining. Older books tend to be less entertaining. An example of an informative book that is entertaining is The 4-Hour Work Week. Fun stories with meaningful lessons. I don’t know how you read but you could begin reading the first couple of pages of a book online to see if you like it (there are often ways to get books for free online if you do enough digging). This will slowly get you more used to reading more and more boring books.

    4. Successful people read books, you won’t find a high level executive at your company that watches YouTube or reads Reddit, at least not one who will admit to it.

    5. Getting rich from reading books is all bullshit. Has you ever seen a librarian driving a Lamborghini, even though they probably read books daily?

      If I read a book on how to fly a plane, am I a pilot? If I read a book about coding, or in your case, if i watch a tutorial about HTML, am i a software engineer?

      Books is a tool to help you. But if you don’t take action and start. You’ll never move forward

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