It really do be like that

    Posted by Particles1101


    1. I read a while back the second most dangerous phrase for your finances is “I’ve worked hard, I’ve earned this.”

    2. spots_reddit on

      as a friend of mechanical keyboards and modular synths, I feel a bit left out

    3. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      Wife’s boyfriend’s sword looks smaller compared to my regard sword. Check and mate kind sir ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. I mean, savings account is a bad financial decision. You have to invest and engage with volatility. Volatility leads to bad decisions. 🙁

    5. uWu_commando on

      Hey man my rig could pay for itself if I had it mining coins…

      But instead I use it to play mostly 2D indie games and shit post.

    6. Krypt0night on

      It’s silly to say a bad financial decision is buying something for your hobby your enjoy. Buying Legos or golf clubs or shoes is so vastly different than straight up losing 40k in stupid option plays.

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