Definitely one of the most suspicious trades that we’ve covered

    Humacyte is a small biotech company that makes implantable human tissue.

    The technology has been tested in Ukraine on combat injuries.

    Tuberville sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    He has claimed that his portfolio is not managed by him directly and that his advisors manage it.

    However, we see active trading of millions of dollars in stocks that he directly oversees.

    Rep. Tommy Tuberville began purchasing shares of $HUMA in 2022, but he recently disclosed 4 large trades February 12, 2024 and March 21, 2024. We have a ballpark estimate of $100,000 just this year, not accounting for trades he placed on $HUMA in 2023 and 2022.

    What’s particularly interesting about Congressional trades is that they’re not subject to the same insider trading rules that apply to the rest of the country. If a Congressman is on a committee that may be privy to information that can help an industry, they can trade on that information.

    He's traded millions of dollars in commodities futures, while sitting on the Senate Subcommittee on Commodities.

    Tuberville has been one of the most outspoken opponents to legislation banning congressional stock trading.

    Want to do a deeper dive on this guy

    Rep. Tommy Tuberville suspiciously made 157% on $HUMA
    byu/Omar-san inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Omar-san


    1. Nothing sus about people in congress making millions off insider trading. What’s suspicious is the couple that only make like 50%. I’m guessing they’re the one’s that show up late for meetings, there’s always empty chairs at those things 🤔

    2. Dude there’s no suspicion

      They insider trade

      It is what it is

      “The government you elect is the one you deserve” – Ben Franklin. Who probably also insider traded.

    3. This guy blocked legislation that would have given our soliders and military personnel the promotions they were due for. He literally caused an unimaginable amount of stress and chaos, simply to be an obstructionist cocksucker

      Fuck him

    4. QuickMasterpiece6127 on

      So tell us what else Tuberville is buying so we can hop on that rocket to the mooooooon

    5. Bean_Boozled on

      What is suspicious about this? You know that the product was being tested in combat in Ukraine. If it is being combat tested, that means it already has a good shot at being successful and that it will be utilized by more markets in the future. If a random nobody like you knows that, then it’s common sense that he would know that due to his position. Clearly he is one of the people who wants to abuse his knowledge for financial gain, but the example you used is a common sense trade.

    6. I may or may not worked in a particular department for a particular custom single use provider that provides the custom assemblies Humcyte uses to grow their HAVs in, and I may or may not have confirmed with my old boss that they’ve been ramping up sales this year in anticipation of growing commercial demand.

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