Please only helpful advice. I know my car should be registered. I’ve been working diligently to get back taxes paid.

    My car is unregistered. Just got fully caught up on four back years of property taxes. Next, have been saving to pay off my sales tax from the original purchase to get it registered.

    Last night we had a major storm and a tree fell and destroyed my car. Smashed all windows and even the frame of the car itself. It was a massive 100 year old tree. I immediately filed an insurance claim. I have comprehensive with GEICO. This all happened on Saturday night, it’s unfortunately a holiday weekend and am not expecting to hear back from insurance until Tuesday so I’m just sitting with all the uncertainty.

    My cars cash value is around 6,000 and based from the damage I see I expect the damage repair to be higher than this, so I’m expecting them to total my car out.

    My fear / question is will having my car unregistered effect me accepting insurance money for a new car? Or effect anything? I’m so scared I’m screwed. The car is fully insured. I have the comprehensive, just an unregistered. Car was parked out front of my house when this happened.

    Tree fell / destroyed my car during wind storm. I have comprehensive, filed a claim, but my car is currently unregistered. Will this effect anything?
    byu/Reignrhodes inInsurance

    Posted by Reignrhodes


    1. eye_lowball on

      You’ll, likely, have to bring the registration current before they can pay out. If it’s a total loss

    2. If it’s not registered, it’s likely not in your name per the State DMV.

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