I was hit by a Tesla (who was going at least 30mph+) on the front passenger side. My wheel/axel took the brunt of the impact. Their Tesla is absolutely totaled. My preliminary estimate is sitting at 27k in damages. The very courteous man at the repair shop said there is buckle or sway in the frame, that even if repaired, will never drive the same. My insurance has not seen the estimate, but hoping that it totals. My kids were with me when this happened & my concern is driving them in a vehicle that has been repaired to that extent. I drive a a 2018 Escalade luxury & in TX. Do you think insurance will total it?

    Escalade totaled? Frame damage
    byu/Equivalent-Outcome75 inInsurance

    Posted by Equivalent-Outcome75


    1. eye_lowball on

      I don’t have the number in front of me, but I’m pretty sure TX law says that the company has to total it at 100% ACV. With that being said they can total it before.

      No one can tell you for sure on here as we don’t know company guidelines and specific stuff about your car.

    2. LotsOfGunsSmallPenis on

      If its not repairable the insurance company won’t repair it.

      “It won’t drive the same” is a load of shit. If they repair it correctly, if its repairable, it will drive exactly the same. If your shop is worth a shit they’ll have a frame machine that can measure the frame down to the millimeter.

      Insurance companies have a bad rap, and sometimes rightfully so, but shops like this are even worse. All they do is fear monger and for some reason people believe them because “insurance bad”

    3. Does the shop you took it to regularly work on luxury vehicles? If not, take it to one that does.

      Most repair shops shy away from luxury vehicles due to liability & cost. If you take it to the right repair shop & they come to the same conclusions, then it is what it’s. Let them arrive at that conclusion independently with no prior knowledge of the previous diagnosis. That’s how you know it’s legit.

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