Musk to build most powerful AI supercomputer powered by 100,000 Nvidia chips

    Posted by batyrshah


    1. lol Musk needs a smokescreen to convince investors to approve his $50B+ pay package.

    2. And… its primary function would be to generate memes that Musk can tweet for the daily attention he needs to function.

    3. slam-dunk-1 on

      Jensen is what Elmo dreams himself to be x 100.

      That being said, my nvda calls appreciate every last gpu order so keep it coming twitter boy

    4. Infinite_Bottle_3912 on

      Isn’t he one of the main people saying AI is dangerous and could wipe out humanity? What an a hole

    5. Musk to do this, Musk to do that. How about “Musk to fix production quality issues at Tesla”, wouldn’t that be a nice headline for once?

    6. Status-Load-5521 on

      Ah yes, it will be out in “a few years”

      Just like
      – full autopilot
      – coast to coast
      – tesla taxis that make money while you sleep
      – tesla bot that does your laundry
      – a submarine to rescue those kids
      – the roadster
      – hyperloop
      – sending humans to mars

      What else am i missing?

    7. DontWantToUseYourApp on

      I bet he did the dr. Evil pinky in the mouth when he thought of this.

    8. My god, with such a machine he could generate untruths in picoseconds rather than microseconds

    9. I don’t believe a single thing out of that man’s mouth. If it happens cool. Otherwise he’s all hype

    10. Keep believing Musk about shit like this. Everything is perpetually right around the corner with him. It’s all lies.

    11. bananaholster3 on

      musk “hey guys ai is very dangerous we need to be careful and regulate it”

      also musk “fuck it”

    12. Syab_of_Caltrops on

      “aI buBblE ColApSe coNFiRmEd!”


    13. Leverage for Elon comes from the control of technology and the self driving is the output of that. It makes nothing but sense for him to build a high leverage super computer that justifies Teslas continuing investment in artificial intelligence as the foundation value for shareholders, even if shipments of cars drop. Effectively what Elon is doing is pivoting the course strategy from manufacturing to AI, which ultimately has been an open secret. He talked about many times. so the pay packages are tied to it, the real Tesla is in artificial intelligence gathering platform and testing system for transportation, which is one of the most interruptible artificial intelligence systems as a represents a large of GDP and has a readily addressable instruction set once you figure out how to drive autonomously. 

    14. Rent_A_Cloud on

      It’s going to be racist as fuck…. The only question is who is it going to be racist against?

    15. I’ll believe it when I see it. Dojo’s been promised for a couple of years now, and will finally be online this July.

      Typical Elon time scale and this case we don’t even have a an expected date.

    16. Practical_Fig_1275 on

      I work in the AI data center space. H100 clusters will be obsolete in “a few years” timeline they are proposing.

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