Up 76% in $NVDA now with an average of $607. Can’t get myself to put much more money in at these levels. What are you guys looking at next?


    Posted by notTimboslice


    1. I think Dell and MSFT might see a good boost when the Copilot+ PCs hit, but that is mid-June and might not be really impact until July

    2. NoStructure371 on

      ASTS while its a good deal, the sat launch is happening sometime end of summer and that’s when it will pop to the moon

    3. WildConsideration376 on

      Wait for NVDA split those 29 shares will be around 290 shares buy one now or 10 more later then sell 3 contracts covered calls..rinse repeat with csp

    4. Looking to pickup Dell calls Tuesday. I was on the fence last week, window shopping Dell 160c were 6.10 at open Friday, next time I looked 12.50. Going to look a little higher and maybe a little further out come Tuesday.

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