I was rear-ended at a red light by a City Bus on May 3rd. The driver admitted fault and even got a ticket. I was told by the risk management person that since the city is covered by a private insurance they would start the claim on my behalf. I also can't file a claim on my insurance since I only have liability.

    I was told that an insurance appraiser would call me to schedule an inspection but I have yet to get a call and it's almost been a month.

    I've have emailed them my dashcam videos, pictures of the damages and a copy of the police report on the as soon as I got them. I called them last week, and they told me the appraiser was on vacation and that I could just send them more pictures, so they could make an estimate. When I offered to get quotes from body shops they said that there was no need and I just needed to send more pictures. After that call, I haven't received any news.
    I've never been involved in an accident so I don't know if this is normal. My car is still drivable and I didn't receive any injuries. I just want to know if anyone has dealt with this before. Is this standard procedure or am I not doing somethings right?

    Rear ended by a city bus
    byu/Calm-Alfalfa-4106 inInsurance

    Posted by Calm-Alfalfa-4106


    1. 90403scompany on

      This is standard procedure, and expect your claim with the city to take a very long time.

      Among many other reasons, this is why the pros in this sub generally recommend going through your own insurance (if you had comp/collision) instead of filing with someone else’s; it cuts down a lot on the waiting and uncertainty.

    2. This is standard practice when filing a claim with a government entity, especially in the U.S .

    3. You might want to start taking over/under bets on this being settled within the year. At least it’ll give you something to do while you wait.

    4. notwyntonmarsalis on

      Tell them that the longer it takes for their adjuster to call you, the more your neck hurts. /s

    5. Conscious-Ad-2168 on

      This will take ages especially since your car is drivable so no loss of use or rental needs to be paid.

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