Boeing Needs New Jet ASAP to Claw Back Against Airbus or Risk Becoming the Next McDonnell Douglas

    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. redditmodsRrussians on

      They already on the path to being MD cause of the rush to get the 787 and 737 Max frames out against airbus. BA is one crash away from the disasters that made MD a shitshow that sold itself to BA in the first place

    2. Flynn_Kevin on

      Boeing isn’t getting a new model until they get a new engine, that isn’t expected until 2032 at the earliest.

    3. Problem with boeing jets is they suck ass. I was flying to HI every month and every boeing I flew on was a flying turd. The times I flew on an Airbus I almost was able to fall asleep.

    4. Boeing needs to clean house on all the MD shit. Take that out behind the shed and kill it. Engineering first. They’ve become MD at this point.

    5. No_Image_4986 on

      Who exactly is this suggesting Boeing is going to merge with if they don’t design a new plane?

    6. RogueStargun on

      They just need to break up the company.

      Boeing commercial aviation, Boeing Military, Boeing space, and Boeing Assasinations.

      At least 3 out of 4 should do just fine

    7. Just make sure they do and assemble all the parts, and don’t use rubber duct

    8. hustle4success on

      A new jet program is not the priority – the priority first and foremost is to get the commercial side of the house back to positive cash flow as soon as possible – which means a stronger quality program / investment in operational excellence, sustained manpower w/o layoffs to keep the workforce knowledge stable, and getting the FAA comfortable enough with a sustainable* delivery plan back on track, and of high enough rate to cancel out any current hemorrhaging/operational cash burn.

      The current backlogs are deep enough to provide continued breathing room till the next re-engine from GE, Safran, and/or RR, PW which would prompt/justify the beginning of R&D investment exploring interest & market space for a new plane line. It is an extraordinary investment of engr manpower, supplier coordination, and raw capital firepower to pursue such a thing and right now it just isn’t a wise decision to pursue full bore for Boeing.

      Get the ship back upright before moving it anywhere.

      As for market share, it is what it is – I don’t see Boeing for the next few decades reclaiming lost market share both due to majority legacy product offering capabilities vs Airbus newer offerings, as well as Airbus’ buoyed war chest being able to be deployed towards their own new airplane mod programs should Boeing telegraph an intent. Boeing should not aim for clawback/increases in market share as a prime directive – Boeing has always been very good on delivery rates in the past years pre-debacle, and their factory intake / production systems are mature – get the delivery rates back on quality and to a decent output and let the cash flow.

      If they can get the delivery rate and thus the cash flow back to some level appreciable positive / above break even, then they can start entertaining at some future point a private investment case/hunt for preferred funding for the next big thing (not too much unlike the successful 747 program backstory of more).

      And yes, agreed with what I think is majority opinion that significant introspection needs to be done with respect to the current company leadership and board.

    9. AnnoyedSide on

      Technically Boeing has been McDonnell Douglas since 1997, this is just the curse resurfacing 28 years later.

    10. Alarmed-Apple-9437 on

      they should spin off the commercial jets business and remain a pure-play defense contractor.

    11. Playful_Landscape884 on

      Building a brand new plane that will fly 150-200 pax will take 5-7 years. 10 years if you want clean sheet design.

      787 started in 2003 but hit the market in 2011
      A350 started in 2004 but hit market in 2015

      So 737 replacement could only come in at 2035 if we’re lucky

    12. SensibleCreeper on

      If they can’t do it slow, please don’t request them to do it fast.

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