Been in business for over a decade with a handful of startups, sold one last year and just bought one this year. this is what I would tell my younger self:

    1. SHUT THE FUCK UP! Don't talk about what you're going to do, just fucking DO IT and then let people find out.

    2. Stop hanging out with low energy fucks. Love them from a distance but if they go glossy eyed hearing you talk about business, cut them out of your life.

    3. Health = wealth. In a literal sense, and yes this sounds shallow but it's true, the more attractive you are the more you attract. It's fucked up but true. A fat billionaire gets less respect than a fit millionaire.

    4. Join fb groups in your niche and share what you're doing. Meet as many people as you can in your niche.

    5. Always be authentic. Never brag about bs, real ones can smell the bullshit from a mile away and will be repulsed. You'll only attract other losers if you lie about what you're doing.

    6. Meditate daily. Or do EFT (emotional freedom technique). Sounds cheesy, but care about how you feel gd it! You are the engine that runs your business.

    7. Your diet includes everything you consume, including the content you watch! Stop scrolling aimlessly on social media and go for a walk at night instead.

    8. Cut the negative thinking! What you think about is important. Don't be thinking negatively towards anyone, that negative vibration will bite you in the butt in ways you're unaware of. Karma will do it's thing and punish you in ways you don't even know.

    9. Do something artistic JUST FOR FUN! Create videos, art – SOMETHING – just for fun, without thinking of ways to monetize.

    10. Be extremely careful who you date. If they're coming at life from a place of negativity, always complaining about things, then gg.

    11. Don't gamble (this is the vice of many entrepreneurs and it fucks them in the long run). If you're still a degen at heart and want to gamble, play poker and learn to fold.

    11 quick bullet points of what I would tell my younger entrepreneur self
    byu/eattheinternet inEntrepreneur

    Posted by eattheinternet

    1 Comment

    1. Different_Scholar548 on

      Very true. Can tell by the way i felt personally attacked by some points lol

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